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APPENDIX. 231 tabernacles for Christ, Moses, and Elias, and of detaining of heav- enly inhabitants upon earth. If you would offer the lowest saint in heaven an earthly kingdom in exchange for his condition, with what disdain would 'he despise the offer ! Christ's kingdom was not of this world, nor would Moses and Elias change their lot with Alexander or Cæsar. Poor trifles allure us, and seem somewhat to us (as toys to children) while we are dreaming in the flesh ; but if once we be delivered, and see what the celestial glory is, what a change will it make upon our judgments? We fear now in the dark to go unto that world of light, and are loath to put off the rags of flesh, and to depart. from a known, though a dirty, falling habitation ; but if we get to heaven, we shall be loath to return to earth again, and be so coarselyclothed : when once we are there,. x world would not hire us to come back into this cor- ruptible body, till God will make it spiritual and. incorruptible. Our friends, whose deaths we passionately lamented, would be loath now to change their company for such as we are, or their abode for such a wicked world as this, or their work for the best of ours on earth. No wonder that departed ,souls appear not to their friends on earth : most apparitions are of devils, or misera- ble souls; to whom it is no loss' or condescension. Were I once in heaven, could I possibly be willing to be turned again into a Bedlam world,,and laid under the feet of blinded pride, and raging madness, and live among Sodomites (called Christians) whose God is their belly, and who glory in their filthiness and shame, and mind nothing, with love, but earthly things, and are bitter enemies, not only to the cross, but to the government of Christ? Would I be again among dogs and swine ; yea, devils in the flesh, who hate and persecute the regenerate seed, and all that will not receive the mark, and be as mad- and bad as they? Would I again be groaning here in pain, or tired with a weary body, and more with a. feeble, sinful soul, weak in faith, cold in love, of doubtful hope, and. imperfect duty? Would I be here again in the, prospect of a gave, with fear of dying; as strange as now to the heavenly felicity? Lazarus will not come. fromAbraham's bosom, for the rich man's wealth and belly-pleasure; no,not to warn his sensual brethren, Had Peter seen heaven as he saw the glory on the mount, he would never have made 'so blind a motion for Christ, Moses, and Elias, to continue there, who have so much better a habitation. 31. But this glorious apparition was but short ; as the glory of God's back parts to Moses, which did but pass by. Presently a cloud cometh, and separateth the company, and ends the pleasant sight. When Christians receive some extraordinary sense of the love of God, some sweet foretastes of promised happiness, they