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APPENDIX. 233 trouble, and almost despair, than some that have beenmost trans- ported with joy; when,some other Christians, of an even conver- sation, have an evenness and constancy of holy peace, though no such joys. 33. The cloud separated the company Moses and Elias are seen no more; no, nor the glory of Christ: but yet Christ is not separated from them; his ordinary presence still abideth with them. Christ doth not leave the soul when extraordinary joys do leave it: it loseth not his saving grace, nor the presence of his Spirit, as oft as it loseth heavenly delight. Desire showeth love to him, and to his holiness; and he never forsaketh those that love him. As long as the soul breatheth after Christ, and after more communion with God, and, conscious of its imperfection, would fain be perfect, and resolveth to continuewaiting for increase of faith and holiness in the use of the means which Christ hath appointed, it is not forsaken. Christ, by his Spirit, dwelleth and worketh in that soul. It may enter into a cloud, and Christ may be unseen, and seem quite lost, but the cloud will vanish, and he will appear; and he will first find us, that we may seek and find him. - If he appear tous but as in his humiliation, and as crucified, and thereby humble us, and crucify us to the world and the flesh, with the affections acid lusts thereof, and cause us but to seek first his kingdom and righteoisness, he will raise us higher, and show us his glory, when grace, and conquest, and perseverance have prepared us. We are in a cloudy world andbody; and our sins are yet a thicker cloud between' God's glorious face and us: but as God is God, and heaven is heaven, so Christ is Christ, and grace is grace, when we see it not, but fear that we are undone, and entering into outer darkness; and at sun-rising, all our dark- ness; and all our doubts and fears, will vanish. 34. "'There came a voice out of the cloud, This is my beloved Son ; hear him ; " Luke ix. 35. Had I heard such a testimony from heaven, would it not have set my faith above all doubts and unbelief? For the voice that thus owned Christ and his word, might imbolden me fully to trust all his promises, as it bindeth me to obey his precepts. God's love is effective and communicative ; and as his life and light cause life and light, so his love causeth love ; and Christ, that is called his beloved Son, is likest him in love. None loveth us so much as God.out Father, and his beloved Son, who is also, as God, essential love. And shall I think with cold or little love. of such a God, and such a Savior? It is as unreasonable to fly from God or. Christ, as fearing that he wanteth love to a capable soul, as to fly from the sun as wanting heat or light. O, what an unruly, froward thing is the coiiupted soul of man ! When VOL. II. 30