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APPENDIX. 237 All pastors were not such as Cyprian, Basil, Gregory Nazianzen, Chrysostom, or Augustin. And the rest must not envy at the preference of Peter, James, and John. Andrew seems to be Pe- ter's elder brother, and knew Christbefore him ; as Aaron was el- der brother to Moses, and yet must give God leave to choose to give preeminence to whom he will. 42. But why did not these three apostles tell any of this vision till after Christ's resurrection? Answ. Christ did forbid it them. And it is according to the method of his revelation. He would make himself known to the world by degrees ; and more by his works than by mere words; and these worts were to be finished, and all set together, to be his convincing witness to the world. And the chief of these were his resurrection, ascension, and send- ing down the Holy Ghost; the apostles could .not say till then, ' Jesus is risen, ascended, and hath given us the seal of the Spirit ; therefore he is the Son of God.' Christ first préached repentance, like John Baptist; and next he told them that the kingdom of God (by the Messiah) has come, and was among them; and then he taught them to believe Isis word to be sent fromGod, and to be true ; and he taught them the doctrines of holiness, love and right- eousness towards men : and he wrought those miracleswhich might convince them that what he said, or should say, deserved their be- lief; but yet, before his resurrection, his apostles themselves under- stood not many of the articles of our creed: they knew not that Christ was to die for sin, and so to redeem the world by his sacri- fice, nor that he was to rise, ascend, and reign, and intercede in glory ; and yet they were then in a state of grace and life, such as believers were in before Christ's incarnation. And sure no more is required of the nations that cannot hear the gospel. But the resurrectionwas the beginningof the proper gospel state, and kingdom, to which all before was but preparatory ; and then, by the Spirit, Christianity' was formed to its settled consisltence, and is a known, unalterable thing. And it is a great confirmationto our faith, that Christ's kingdom was not settled by any advantage of his personal presence, preach- ing, and persuasion, so muchas by the Holy Ghost in his apostles and disciples, when he hasgone from them into heaven. 43. But how are we sure that these three men tell us nothing but the truth? Answ. This is oft answered elsewhere. The Spirit which they spake and worked by, was Christ's witness and theirs. They healed the sick, raised the dead, spake various languages which they never learned; and preached and recorded that holy doctrine committed to them by. Christ, which itself con- tained the evidence of its divinity, and of their truth ; and Christ