Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

SHORT MEDITATIONS ON ROMANS v. 1 -5. OF THE SHEDDING ABROAD GOD'S LOVE ON THE HEART BY THE HOLY GHOST. EXPERIENCE of the want of this effusion of God's love, and some small taste of its sweetness, make me think the thoughts of this very suitable to one expecting death. The words contain a golden chain of highest blessings on all true Christians. I. They are 'supposed to have faith, that is, both a general trust in God's revelations and grace; and a special trust in Jesus Christ, as given by the Father's loge to be the Redeemer, to justify, sanc- tify, and glorify his people. I have oft proved this justifying faith to be no less than our unfeigned taking Christ for our Savior, and becoming true Christians, according to the tenor of the baptismal covenant. As to the acts; it is formally trust one in three; the understanding's assenting trust, the will's consenting trust, and the executivepower's practical, venturing, obeying trust. II. All true believers are justified ; even all that consent to the baptismal covenant, and choose God to be their God, and Christ tobe their Savior, and the Holy Ghost to be their Sanctifier, and give up . themselves to him by true resolution, as their only ruler, hope, and happiness ; though this be done with so greatweakness, as endeth not all doubts, nor quieteth the mind. To be justified is not to be accounted such as have no sin, but, 1. To be made such by pardon through Christ's merits, and by true faith, as God will take byspecial love and favor unto life. 2. To be accounted such by God. 3. To be virtually sentenced such by the law of grace and faith, and to be just. in law sense.