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APPENDIX. 247 This presupposeth, 1. Knowledge of God and the gospel. 2. True belief, and.hope., 3. A sincere and fruitful life. 4. Morti- fication as to i 1ol, worldly vanities. 5. A conviction of our sincer- ity in all this. 6. A conclusion that 'God doth love. But yet it is somewhat above all this. A man may have all' this in his mind and mouth, and yet want this gust of effused love upon his heart. These are the way to it, but not itself. This is the greatest good on this side heaven ; towhich all wealth and honor, all fleshly pleasure and long life, all learning and knowl- edge, are unworthy to be once compared : briefly, 1. It is the flower and highest part ofGod's image on man. 2. It is the soul's true communion with God, and fruitionof him, which carnal men deride ; even as our eye bath communion with the sun, and the flourishing earth enjoys its reviving heats. 3. It is that which all lower grace doth tend to, as childhood doth to manhood : and what is a world of infants, comparatively, good for ? 4. It is that which most, properly answereth the designof re- demption, and the wonders of God's love therein, and all the tenor of the gospel. 5. It is that which is most fully called the Spirit of God, or Christ in us: he bath lower works, but this is his great work, by which he possesseth us, 'as God's most pleasant habitation: For we have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but the spirit of power and love, and a sound mind ; " 2 Tim. i. 7. 6. It is only that which all men, in general, desire ; I mean, the only satisfying content and pleasure that man is capable' of on earth. All men would have quieting and constant pleasure ; and it is to be found in nothing else but the effused love, of God. 7. It is that which will make every burden light, and all afflic- tion easy : when the sense of God's love is still upon the soul., all pain and crosses will bebut as blood-lettingby the kindestphysician, to save the patient's life. God will not be suspected, or grudged at, in suffering; his love will sweeten all. 8. It will overcome abundance of temptations, which no men's wit, or learning, or knowledge of the words, of Scripture will over- come. No arguments will draw a loving child, or wife, from the parents,or husband, that theyknow doth love them. Love is the most powerful disputant. 9. It puts a mellow, pleasant sweetness into all our duties. When we hear the word, or receive the sacrament, it is to such a soul as pleasant food to the most healthful man : when we pray, or praise God, it comes from a comforted heart, and excites and increaseth the comfort it comes from. O, who can be back-