Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

256 IIAXTÉR'S DYING THOUGHTS. whether united, or how individuate, we know not; nor yet whether those philosophers are in the right, that think that this earth is but a small image of the vast superior regions, where there are king- doms answerable to these here, where the spirits of brutes are in the like subjection, jn aerial bodies, to those low, rational spirits that inhabit the aerial regions, as in flesh they were to man in flesh; But it is enough for us that God bath given us faculties to know, love, praise, and obey him, and trust him for glory, which he never gave to them, because they were not made for things so highs Every creature's faculties are suited to their use and ends. And love tells me, that the blessed God, who giveth to brutes that life, health, and pleasure, which they are made and fitted for, will give his servants that heavenly delight in the fullness of his love and praise, and mutual, joyful love to one another, which nature fundamentally, and grace more immediately, hath made them fit for. Blessed Jehovah! for what tastes of this effused love thou hast given me, my soul doth bless thee, with some degree of gratitude and joy; and for those further measures which I want and long for, and which my pained, languid state much needs, and which would raise my joyful hopes of glory, I wait, I beg, from day to day. O, give me now,at the door of heaven, some fuller taste of the heaven- ly felicity: shed more abroad upon my heart, by the Holy Ghost, that love of thine, which will draw up my longing soul to thee, re- joicing in the hope of the glory of God.