Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

TO THE RIGHT HON. SERJEANT GLYN. 261 asknowing your opposition, and the shortness of yourtime. 'Bless- ed is that servant whom his Lord, when he cometh, shall find so doing.' If you ask me wherein this interest of Christ doth con- sist,: I shall tell yon, but in a few unquestionable particulars. 1. In the main, that truth, godliness, and honesty be countenanced and encouraged ; and their contraries, by all fit means, suppressed. 2. In order to this, that unworthy men be removed from magistra- cy and.ministry, and the places supplied with the fittest that can be had. 3. That a competent maintenance may be procured where it is wanting, especially for cities and great towns, where more teachers are so necessary, in some proportion to the number of souls, and on which the country doth so much depend. Shall an age of such high pretenses to reformation and zeal for the churches, alienate so much, and then leave them destitute, and say, it cannot be had ? 4. That right means be used, with speed and diligence, for the healing of our divisions, and the uniting of all the true churches 'of Christ at last, in these nations; and O that your endeavors might beextended much further l To which end, I shall mention but.these two means, of most evident necessi- ty. 1. That there be one Scripture creed, or confession of faith, agreed on by a general assembly of able ministers, duly and freely chosen hereunto, which shall contain nothing but matter of evident necessity and verity. Thiswill serve, 1. For a test to the church- es to discern the. sound: professors from the unsound, (as to their doctrine,) and to know them with whom they may close as breth- ren, and whom they must reject. 2. For a test to the magistrate of the orthodox to be encouraged, and of the intolerablyheterodox, which, it seems, is intended in the 37th article of the late formed government, where all that will have liberty must profess faith in God by Jesus Christ,.which, in a Christian sense, must compre- hend every true fundamental article of our faith ; and, no doubt, it is not the bare speaking of those words in an unchristian sense that is intended ; as if a ranter should say, that himself is God, and his mate is Jesus Christ. 2. That there be a public establishment of the necessary liberty of the churches, to meet.their officers and delegates on all just oc- casions, in assemblies smaller or greater, (even national, when it is necessary,) seeing, without associations'and communion in assem- blies, the unity and concord 'of the churches is not like to be main- tained. I exclude net the magistrates' interest, or oversight, to see that they do not transgress their bounds.' As you love Christ, and his church and gospel, and men's souls, neglect not the un- questionable points of his interest, and make them your first and chiefest business, and let none be preferred before him until you know them to be of more authority over you, and better friends