Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

262 TO THE RIGHT HON. SERJEANT GLYN. to you than Christ is. Should there be any amongyou that cher- ish a secret root of infidelity, after such pretenses to the purest Christianity, and are jealous of Christ lest he should overtop them, and do set up an interest inconsistent with his sovereignty, and, thereupon, grow jealous of the liberties and power of his min- isters, and of the unity and strength of his church, and. think it their best policy to keep under his ministers, by hindering them from the exercise of their office, and to foment divisions, and hin- der our union, that they may have `parties ready to serve their ends ; I would not be in . the case of such men, when God ariseth to judge them, for all the crowns and kingdoms on earth ! If they stumble on this stone, it will break them in pieces, but if it fall upon them, it will grind them to powder. .They may seem to prevail against him awhile, when their supposed success is but a prosperous self-destroying : but mark the end, when his wrath is kindled, yea, but a little, and when these, his enemies, that would not he should reign over them, are, brought forth and destroyed before him, then 'they will be convinced of the folly of their re- bellion. In the mean time, let wisdom be justified of her children. My lord, I had not troubled you with somany words, had I not judged it probable that many more whom they concern may pe- ruse them. I remain, your Lordship's servant in the'work of Christ, RICHARD BAXTER. August 5, 1654.