Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

A SERMON ON THE ABSOLUTE DOMINION OF GOD-REDEEMER; AND THE NECESSITYOF BEING DEVOTED AND LIVING TO HIM. PREACHED BEFORE THE HONORABLE' JUDGE OF ASSIZE AT WORCESTER, AUGUST 2, 1654. 1 COR. vi. 19, 20. AND YE ARE NOT YOUR OWN, FOR YE ARE BOUGHT WITH A PRIce ; THEREFORE GLORIFY GOD IN YOUR BODY, AND IN YOUR SPIRIT, WHICH ARE GOD'S. FUNDAMENTALS in religion are the life of the superstructure. Like the vitals and naturals in the body, which are first necessary for themselves and you also, for the quickening and nourishing of the rest; there being no life or growth of the inferior parts, but what they do receive from the powers of these : it is but a dead discourse, which is not animated by these greater truths, whatever the bulk of,its materials may consist of. The frequent repetition, therefore, ofthese, is asexcusable as frequent preaching ; and they that nauseate it as loathsome battology, do love novelty better than verity, and playing with words to please the fancy, rather than closing with Christ to save the soul. And as it is the chief part ofthe cure, in most external maladies, to corroborate the vital and natural powers, which thenwill do the work themselves, so it is the most effectual course for the cure of particular miscarriages in men's lives, to further the main workof grace upon their hearts. Couldwe make men better Christians, it would do much to make them better magistrates, counsellors, jurors,. witnesses, subjects, neighbors,. &c. And this must be done by the deeper impress of those vital truths and the good in them exhibited, which are ade- quate objects of our vital graces. Couldwe help you to wind up