Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

OF GOD-REDEEMER. 265 and others, is most fitly expressed by our English, your own : "ye are bought:" a "synecdoche generis," saith Piscator, for." ye are redeemed with a price." . There is no buying without a price. This, therefore, is an emphatical pleonasmus, as Beza, Piscator, and others; as to see with the eyes, to hear with the ears. Or , else, " a price is put for " a great price," as Calvin, Peter Mar- tyr, and Piscator, rather think; and, therefore, the vulgate adds the epithet magno, and the Arabic pretioso, as Beza notes, as agreeing to that of 1 Peter i. 18. I see not but we may suppose the apostle to respect both the purchase and the greatness of the price, as Grotius and some others do. " Glorify God," that is, by using your bodies and souls wholly for him, and abstaining from those lusts which do dishonor him. The vulgate adds et portate, q. d. bear God about in your hearts, and let his Spirit dwell with you instead of lust. But this, addition is contrary to all our Greek copies. Grotius thinks that some copies had òg iòs Osò,', and thence some unskillful scribe did put äoa se : however, it seems that reading was very ancient, when not only Austin, but Cyprian and Tertulhan followed it, as Beza noteth. The last words, "And in your spirit, which are God's," areout of all the old Latin trans- lawns, and, therefore, it is like out of the Greek, which they used : but theyare in all the present Greek copies, except ourmanuscript, as also in the Syriac and Arabic version. The rest of the explication shall, follow the doctrines, which are these : Doct. 1. [We are bought with a price.] Doct. 2. Because we are so bought, we are not our own, but his that bought us. Doct. 3. Because we are not our own, but whollyGod's, there- fore we must not serve our lusts, but glorify him in the body and spirit. In these three conclusions is the substance of the text; which I shall firstexplain, and then make application of them in that order as the apostle here Both. The points that need explication are these : First. In what sense are we said to be bought with a price? Who bought us ? And of whom ? And fromwhat ? And with *hat price? Secondly. ,How we are God's own upon the title of this pur- chase. Thirdly. Howwe are not our own. Fourthly. What it is to glorify God in body and in spirit on this account. Fifthly. Who they be that, on this ground, are, or may be, urged to this duty. vot. it. 34