OF GOD-REDEEDtkR. 277 itual service, as to perform it. And thus I have given you the true description of those that live to their Redeemer, as being not their own, and those that live to themselves, as if they were not his that bought them. Having thus told you what the word saith, it followeth that we next inquire what your hearts say. You hear what you must be: will you now consider what you are ? Are all the people that hear me this day devoted in heart and life . to their Redeemer ? Do you all live as Christ's, and not your own ? Ifso, I mustneeds say it is an extraordinary assembly, andsuch as I had never the happiness to know. O that it were so indeed ! that we might rejoice togeth- er, and magnify our Deliverer, instead of reprehending you, or la- menting your unhappiness ! But, alas ! we are not such strangers in the world as to be guilty of such a groundless judgment. Let us inquire more particularlyinto the case. 1. Are those so sincerely devoted to Christ? And do they so deny themselves, whose daily thoughts, and care, and labor, is, how they may live in more reputation and content, and may he better provided for the satisfying of their flesh ? If they be low and poor, and their condition is displeasing to them, their greatest care is to repair it to their minds: if they be higher, and more wealthy, their business is to. keep it, or increase it, that hunt after honor, and thirst after a thriving and more plenteous state ; that can stretch their consciences to the size of all times, and humor those that they think may advance them, andbé most humble ser- vants to those above them, and contemptuously neglect whosoever is below them ; that will put their hands to the feet of those that they hope to rise by, and put their feet on the necks of their sub- dued adversaries, and trample upon all that stand in their way ; that applaud not men for their honesty, but their worldly honors ; and will magnify that man, while he is capable of advancing them, whom theywould have scorned, ifProvidence had laid him in the dust; that are friends to all that befriend their interests and designs, and enemies to the most upright that cross them in their course ; that love not men so much because they.love God, as because they love them. Are these devoted to God or to themselves ? . Is it for God, or themselves, that men so industriously scramble for honors, and places ofgovernment, or ofgain ? Will theyuse their offices or honors for God, that hunt after them as a prey, as if they had not burden enough already, nor talents enough to answer for neglecting? Are those men devoted to God, that can tread down his most unquestionable interest on earth, when it seems to be inconsistent with their own? Let the gospel go down let the church be broken in pieces ; let sound doctrine be despised, the ministers be hindered, or tried with vexations; let the souls of peo-