280 THE ABSOLUTE DOMINION that you have done him, so you will but repent of them ; and now at last be heartily and entirely his ; not only in tongue, but in deed and life. Well, I have proclaimed God's right to you ; I have offered you his gracious acceptance: if yetyoudemur, or sleepily neglect it, or, obstinately resist him, take that you get by it; fe- member you perish not without warning. The confession of Christ's right, which this day you have been forced to, shall remain as on record, to the confusion of your faces; and you shall then be forced to remember, though you had rather forget it, what now you are forced to confess, though you had rather you could deny It. But. I am loath to leave, you to this prognostic, or to part on terms so sad to your souls, and sad to me. I will add, therefore, some reasons to persuade you to submit ; and though it be not in my power to follow them so to your hearts as to make them effec- tual, yet I shall do my part in propounding them, and leave them to God to set them home, beseeching him that maketh, new mak- eth, openeth, and softeneth hearts at his pleasure, to do these bless- ed works on yours, and to persuade you within, while I am per- suadingyou without, that I may not lose my labor and my hopes, nor you your souls, nor God his due. 1. Consider the fullness of God's right to you:. no creature is capable of the like. He made you of nothing, and, therefore, you have nothing which is not his. He redeemed you when you were fallen to worse than nothing. Had not Christ ransomed you by being a sacrifice for your sin, you had been hopelessly left to ever- lastingperdition. Give him, therefore, his own, which he hath so dearly bought ; 1 Pet. i. 18. 2. Consider that you have no right of propriety to yourselves; if you have, how carne you by it? Did you make yourselves? Did you redeem yourselves? Do you maintain and preserve your- selves ? If you are your own, tell God you will not be beholden to him for his preservation. Why cannot you preserve yourselves in health, if you are your own? Why cannot you recover your- selves from sickness ? Is it yourselves that gives power to your food to nourish you ? to the earth to bear you, and furnish you with necessaries ? to the air to cool and recreate your spirits ? If you 'are your own, save yourselves from sickness and death ; keep back your age ; deliver your souls from the wrathof God ; answer his pure justice for your own sins ; never plead the blood of a Re- deemer,'if you are your own. If you can do these things, I will yield that you are your own. But no man can ransom his soul a e notedebtors, therefore, to dearer theflesh, to live after it, (Rom. You 12.) but to him that died, to subdue the flesh ; Rom. vi. 11. 3. None else can claim any title to you, further than under God