SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST. 303 confidence and courage, and have some hope to save the neglecters of Christ. Or, try first whether thou. canst save thy present life against the course of nature and will of God : call back thine age and years that are past; command thy pains and sickness to be gone; chide back this bold approaching death. Will they not obey thee ? Canst thou do none of these ? How then canst thou expect the saving ofthy soul against the determinate will and way of God ? Where dwelleth that man, or what was his name, that did neglect Christ, and yet escape damnation? Who bath harden- ed himselfagainst him and hath prospered? Job ix. 4. And dost thou think, then, to be first? Thou mayest, perhapsknockbold- ly at the gate of heaven, and plead thy greatness, thy virtues, thy, alms-deeds, and formal devotion; but thou shalt receive a more woful answer than thou dost expect. Jesus we know, and obedi- ential faith in him we know, but who are ye? 2. He that will save the soul, that loveth not, dependeth not on, and subjecteth not himself to Christ, must first make false the word of God, and make the true and faithful God a liar. This is another. part of his task: God bath given it under his hand for truth, that he that believeth not is condemned already ; " (John iü. 18.) that "he shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on.him;" (John iii. 36.) that they who are invited to Christ, and make light of it, or make excuses, " shall never taste of his sup- per;" (Luke. xiv. 24.:Matt. xxii.,5. 8.) that "it shall be easier for Sodom in the day of judgment, than for that city which re- fuseth the offers of the gospel ;" (Matt, x. 15.) that whosoever would not have Christ to reign over them "shall be brought forth at last and destroyed before him as his enemies ;" (Luke xix; 27.) that " they shall all be damned that believe not the truth,but have pleasure in unrighteousness ; ". 2 Thess. ii. 12, &c. And bath the Almighty said that thus it shall be? Who, then, is he that dare say it shall not be ? Is this the concluded decree of Heaven ? What power or policy is able to reverse it? Hath God said it, and will he not do it ? Thus you see his task that will undertake to save one neglecter of Christ. 2. Let us now consider what power that is which must perform it. If it be done, it must be either, 1. By wisdom ; or, 2. By strength ; whereas, the chiefest of men, even thé kings and judges of the earth, are both ignorant and impotent. 1. Ignorant. Though judges.are learned in the repute of the world, alas ! poor crawling, breathing dust ! do you know the secrets of your Maker's counsel ? And are you able to overreach them, and frustrate his designs ? Doth this book know what is