Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

TO THE HONORABLE THE HOUSE OF COMMONS, ASSEMBLED IN "'ARIA-ANENT. As your order for my preaching persuadeth nie you meant at- tentively to hear, so your order for my publishing this Sermon per- suadeth me that you will vouchsafe considerately to read it ; (for you would not command me to publish only for others that which was prepared for; and suited to, yourselves;) which second favor if I may obtain, especially of those that need most to hear the doctrine of repentance, I shall hope that the authority of the heavenly Majesty, the great concernment of the subject, and the evidence of reason, and piercingbeams of sacred verity, may yet make a deeper impression on your souls, and promote that neces- sary work of holiness, the fruits whereof would be effectual rem- edies to the diseased nations, and would conduce to your own everlasting joy. Shall I think it were presumption for me to hope for so high a reward for so short a labor? Or, shall It hink it were uncharitableness not to hope for it? That here is nothing but plain English, without any of those ornaments that are by many thought necessary to make such discdurses grateful to ingenious, curious auditors, proceeded not only from mypresent want of ad- vantages for study, (having and using no book but a Bible and a Concordance,) but also from the humbling and serious nature of the work of the day, and from my own inclination, less affecting such ornaments in sacred discourses than formerly I have done. It is a very great honor that God and you have put upon me, to conclude so solemn a .day ofprayer, which was answered the next morning by your speedy, and cheerful, and unanimous acknowl- edgment of his majesty's authority. May I have but the second part, to promote your salvation, and the happiness ,of this land, by your considering and obeying these necessary truths, what greater honor could I expect on earth ? Or how could you more oblige me to remain A dailypetitioner to Heaven for these mercies, on your own and the nation's behalf, RICHARD BAXTER.