A SERMON OF REPENTANCE. 339 1:7.) that u God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must wor- ship him in spirit and in,truth;" (John iv. 23, 24.) that " they worship in vain that teach for doctrines the commandmentsof men ;" (Matt. yv. 8,'9.) and that " except your righteousnessshall ex- ceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven ; " Matt. v. 20. And I desire you to rememberthat " it is hard to kick against the pricks, and to prosper in rage against the Lord; and that it is better for that man that offended' one of his little ones to have a millstone fastened to his neck, and ro have.been cast into thebottom of the sea;" Matt. xviii. G. It is asure and grievous condemnation that waiteth for all that are themselves unholy ; but to the haters or despisers of the holy laws and servants of the Lord how much more grievous a punishment is reserved! 3. Inquire also whether there be none among you that let loose your passions on your inferiors, and oppress your poor tenants, and make them groanunder the task, or at least do little to relieve the needy, nor study not. to serve the Lord with your estates, but sacrifice all to the pleasing of your flesh, unless it be some incon- siderable pittance, or fruitless drops, that are unproportionable to your receiaings. If there be any such, let them remember their iniquities, and cry for mercy before the cry of the poor to heaven do bring down vengeance from him that hath promised to hear their cry, and speedily to avenge them; Luke xviii. 7, 8. 4. Inquire whether there be none that live the life ofSodom, in pride, fullness of bread, and idleness (Ezek. xvi.. 49.) and that are puffed up with their estates and dignities, and are strangers to the humility, meekness, patience, and self-denial of the saints ; that ruffle in bravery, and contend more zealously for their honor and preeminence than for the honor and interest of the Lord. For pride of apparel, it was wont to be taken for a childish or wò- manish kind of vice, below a man ; but it isnow 'observed among the gallants, that (except in spots) the notes of vanityare more legibly written on the hair and dress of a multitude of effeminate males than on the females ; proclaiming to the world that pride, which, one would think, e'en pride itself should have concealed; and calling by-these signs to the beholdersto observe theemptiness oftheir minds, and how void they are of that inwardworth which is the honor of a Christian and of a man. It being amarvel to see a man of learning, gravity, wisdom, and- the fear of God, appear in such antic dress. . I have done with the first part, the remembering of your own evil ways and doings." I beseech you practically go along with me to the next ; " The loathing of yourselves in your own eyes, for all your iniquities and abominations.'.' Every true convert doth thus loathe himself for his iniquities ;