Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

356 TO THE RIGHT HON. THOMAS ALLEYNE. on any other account, as not affecting to make such reckonings which I daily see obliterated in grief and shame by those that make them; and remembering who said, that if we had known Christ himself after the flesh, henceforth we know him so no more.- As it was my compassion to the frantic, merry world, and also to the self-troubling melancholy Christian, and my desire methodically to help you in your rejoicings about the great occa- sions of the day, which formed this exhortation to what you heard, and chose the subject, which, to some, might seem less suitable to the day ; so, if the publication` may print so great and necessary a point on the hearts of any that had not the opportu- nity to hear, as God shall have the praise, and they the joy, so you shall have, under God, the thanks, and I the attainment of my end, which is my reward. I rest, Your servant in the work of Christ, RICHARD BAXTER.