Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

RIGHT REJOICING. $63 Many that have seemed humble, fruitful, flourishing, and steadfast, while they dwelt in the valleys of a mean, a low, afflicted state, have proved sun-burnt, weather-beaten sinners, apostates, proud, vain- glorious and bárren, when they have removed their habitations to the mountains of prosperity. Alas ! we find it hard enough to be serious, faithful Christians, under the less and ordinary temptations of a pour, or mean, or suffering condition. And I should rejoice if I were but to pass to heaven as a camel must pass through a needle's eye. We. have 'difficulties enough already, unless our wisdom, strength, and courage, were greater to encounter them; and shall we rejoice if these difficulties be increased to impossibil- ities, (as with men,) leaving us no hope but that human impossi- bilities are conquerable by Divine Omnipotency? Luke xviii. 27. Is it not hard enough to have a lowly mind in a low condition ; but much more in a high? To despise the world when the world de- spiseth us? To walk in heaven when faith is not interrupted by the noise or shows of the distracted actorrs of these bedlam trage- dies? And to converse with our everlasting company when we are freest from these crowds and tumults? And shall we rejoice that we, who already stumble at straw, have rocks of offense and mountains of difficulty cast beforeus? How few are advanced to higher measures of faith and holiness by their advancements in the world! For the most part, if they seemed to have something of plain honesty and fidelity before, when they come to be advanced, it is drowned in carnal policies, self-love, and hypocritical dissimu- lation. And if they seemed before to be humble and heavenly, and to live to God, and to his interest and service; how strangely doth prosperity and dignity transform them; and make them forget their former apprehensions, their convictions, purposes, and vows, yea, their God, their happiness, and themselves. And should we not be verycautelous how we rejoice in an air that, few men have their health in? and in a diet, how sweet soever, that corrupts and kills the'most that use it ?` in the tables that prove snares, and the sumptuoushouses that are traps to the inhabitants? 3. Rejoice not in these common things, for they are but such as are often made the devil's-tools to do his work by, and are used against the Lord that gave them, to the hindrance of the gospel, and injuryof the church of Christ. While men are low, and live by faith, they do good with the little which theyhave; and have the blessing of the will, (when they are unable for the deed,) and of hearts disposed to do good, if they had opportunity; when, usually, those that are lifted up, having more'of power, and less of will, do less when theymight and should do more ; and use their talents to aggravate their sin and condemnation : to further piety, 'or charity, they have power without will; but to hinder it, they