Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

364 RIGHT REJOICING. have both power and will. And while the poor of the world, that are richonly in faith, would help on the work of God, and caónot, (by the great assistances which the greatmight give,) and the rich and honorable can, and will not, but can and will pgomote the interest of the flesh, you may easily see the case of the church, how sure it is to know adversity, and how much of our expecta- tion must be from God, and how little from any ofthe sons of men.. Is it as common for one that is very rich to part with all to follow Christ for the hopes of heaven, as it iq for one that bathnot much in the world to part with? Is it as common for one that bath many thousands a year, to cast all his substance into the treasury, as for a widow to do it that bath but tw.o mites? Luke xxi. 2. 4. O, how much easier were it like to go with the church of God, if greatness and ungodliness were not so commonly conjunct! But, usually, as riches, and dignities, and honors, do much increase their carnal interest, so do they increase their carnal-mindedness, and their engagements against that life of faith and holiness, which is contrary to their interests; so that none are such malignant adver- saries to godliness, and none have such advantage to execute their malice. Seeing, then, that all such honors and advancements are made, by corruption, too ordinary instruments of the vilest works of serving Satan, and opposing Christ, and oppressing piety, hon- esty, and innocence, rejoice not in them, as for themselves,'nor. any way but in subservience to your heavenly rejoicings. 4. And it should much abate our camal joy to consider that all these things are such as may end in miser}?, and leave the owner in everlasting woe. He that is feasting in purple and fine linen to-day, may be to-morrow in remediless torments, and want a drop of water to cool his tongue ; Luke xvi. He that is to-day triumph- ing over mortal enemies, may to-morrow be led in triumph to hell- fire, and lie in chains of darkness till the judgment of the great day. He that is now prophesying in the name of Christ, and casting out devils, and doing many great and wonderful works, may shortly be condemned at his bar, with a "Dgpart from me, ye workers of iniquity ; I never knew you ; " Matt. vii. 22, 23. And who would be merry at a feast that he must cast up again, in griping pain, or mortal sickness ? You see nowwhere the great ones of the world do take their places, and how they are admired and honored bymen; but you see not where the tide will leave them, and how they shall be used by infernal spirits, if they had not a better preventive and security than all the renown and dignities of the world. Be cautelous, therefore, in your rejoicing for that which may end in everlasting sorrows. Yea, more than so; these outward honors and successes may plunge men deeper in perdition than ever they had been without