Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

370 RIGHT REJOICING. That world all true believers see . they see it by faith in the holy glass which the Spirit in the apostles and prophets hath set up; and they have the earnest and first-fruits of it in themselves, even that Spirit by which they are sealed hereunto. . That world we are ready to take possession of; we are almost there; we are but taking our leave of the inhabitants and affairs of earth, and better putting on our heavenly robes, and we are presently there. A few nights 'more to stay on earth, a fewwords more to speak to the sons of men, alew more duties to perform, and a few more troublesome steps to pass, will be a small, inconsiderable delay. This room will hold you now but an hour longer, and this world but a few hours more ; but heaven will be the dwelling-place of saints to all eternity. These faces of flesh that we see to-day we shall see but a few times more, if any; but the face of God we shall see forever. That glory no dismal times shall darken ; that joy no sorrow shall interrupt, no sin shall forfeit, no enemy shall endanger or take from us, no changes shall ever dispossess us of. And should not a believer, then, rejoice that his name*is written in heaven? and that every providence wheels him on, and, whether the way be fair or foul, it is thither that he is travel- ing? O sirs ! if heaven be better than vanity and vexation ; if endless joy be better than the laughter of à child that ends in crying; and if God be better than a delusory world,you have then greater matters set before you to be the matter of your joy than prosperity and success, or any thing that flesh and blood delights in. And this being so, I am next, in faithfulness to your souls, oblig- ed to call you to inquire, whether the rejoicing of this day, and the rejoicing of your lives, do here begin ? Is God the beginning and the end of all? O that the Lord would awaken you to perceive, inall your mirth,how nearly it concerneth you to know first wheth- er your names are written in heaven, and whether your chiefest joy be fetched from thence. Alas ! sirs, it is a most pitiful sight to see men frisk about injol- lity, with the marks of death and wrath upon them; and to see men so franticly merry in their sin, as to forget the misery that will so quickly mar their mirth ; and to see men live as quietly and pleasantly as ifall were well with them, when theyhave taken no successful care for their precious souls,nor made any considera- ble sure provision for their endless life. Poor sinner! the Lord, who sent me on this message to thee, knows that I envy thee not thy mirth or pleasure, but only would have it better for thee, or have thee set thy mind on better. But let me so far interrupt thee in thy mirth as to ask thee whether thou art sure of heaven; or. at least, whether thou hast given diligence tomake it sure;