Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

RIGHT REJOICING. 373 will do all that malice and subtlety can do to keep such matters from your sober thoughts, or to make you groundlessly presume that you are safe, or securely to cast your souls upon a desperate venture, under pretense oftrusting in Christ,till he hath you 'where he would have you ; and then he will himself take off the veil, and let you know that you had time and light to have acquainted you with your disease and misery, while you might have had a free, and sure, and full remedy. Then you shall know that it was long of your self-deceit if you wouldnot understand and believe in time, that if you lived after the flesh, you should die, (Rom. viii. 13.) and that it is the pure in heart that shall see God ; Matt. v. S. Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit thekingdom of God ? Be not deceived ; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God ; 1 Cor. vi. 9, 10. ` For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor un- clean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, bath any in- heritance in the 'kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no man de- ceive you with vain words, for because of these things cometh the wrath of God on the children of disobedience ; Ephes. v. 5, 6. Andcan any thing justify the rejoicing of men in so sad a state ? Give me leave, therefore, to make a little closer application of the several parts of my text to the several sorts of persons whom they doconcern. 1: And first to all that yet are not become the heirs of heaven: Rejoice not though devils were subject to you, till your souls are subject to him that bought them. Rejoice not though you had conquered all the world, and had your wills of all your adversaries, as long as you are conquered by your fleshly lusts; and Satan leads you captive at his will ; 2 Tim. ii. 25, 26. Rejoice not though you had all the riches of the earth, as long as you are void of the riches of grace, and have nothing to do with the riches of glory. Rejoice not though all men should honor you, and bow to you; and proclaim your fame, as long as you are the drudges of the devil and the flesh, and the God of heaven pro- claimeth you his enemies, and resolveth on your destruction, ifyou donot soundly and seasonably repent ; Luke xix. 27. and xiii. 3. 5. Be not offended with me, that, on a day of thanksgiving, I thus far forbid you to rejoice, for it is not you that are qualified for it, or have any part or fellowship in this business, being in the gall of bitterness, and bonds of your iniquity, your hearts being not right in the sight of God. Though the invitation be general, it suppos- eth that you come prepared, and therefore even he that calls men to his joys, will find out him that hath not on the wedding garment, "and will bind him, and cast him into outer darkness, where shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth ; " Matt. xxii. 12, 13.