Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

382 RIGHT REJOICING. I am in far greater hope of their conviction now than heretofore. Iri their greatness few durst tell them of their crimes ; and those of us that did it were voluminously reproached, threatened, calum- niated, and represented as turbulent to the. world. (It being usual with base-spirited men to take the judgment of the greatest for their rule, and to think all suffering to be just and honorable that is inflicted by such as few dare to contradict.) But now, I hope, plain dealing may recover many that before lived under flatteries, and were above reproof. I must profess that my hopes of the saving of many that are dear to me, by the further- ance of this providence, is matter of so much thankfulness to me, that were I sure to suffer with them, I would yet give thanks. 6., It is matter of thanksgiving to me, that. God bath so far ownedan unanimous, painful, faithful ministry, (for all their many sad infirmities,) as first to break the profane opposers, of them, and then to scatter the adversaries on the other side. Ever since I heard it so familiar among them to call Christ's faithful servants many reproachful names, as priests, (in scorn,) presbyters, drivines, jack-presbyters, ,black-coats, pulpiteers, &c. ; and their friends priest-ridden ; to suffer quakers, openly, in the streets, to re- vile them as deceivers, dogs, wolves, hirelings, false prophets, liars, and all the names that hell could teach them, I- waited in fear for the judgments of the Lord ; which he hath executed in our sight, and caused us to know, that his delays are no desertions of his ser- vants,, norjustification. of our revilers. And let it stand as a warn- ing to you that have teen it, and you have executed the pun- ishments of God upon the reproachers, that you take heed of fall- ing into the same crime, and dashing on the rock on which they have been broken ; but let all England hear and fear, and do no more so malignantly or. presumptuously. And O that the unworthyministers of Christ mayremember that we are not vindicated and delivered to contend, or to imitate our afflicters, in seeking greatness to ourselves, nor to live in idleness, and neglect the souls committed to our care. 7. It is very great cause of thankfulness in my eyes, that from first to last God bath been so tender of the honor of, his unani- mous sober people, andhis cause, of the innocency and consciences of his servants, as to execute his afflictions mostly by the hands of erring men, and to keep the rest, by imprisonments, seclusions, and other means, so far from all appearance of consent or irregu- larities ; and that 'at last he bath put an opportunity into their hands to declare to the world their innocency in things with which they were reproached ; and that while profane opposers of religion did boast and vapor, and swear and 'curse, and drink healths for