Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

LIFE OF FAITH. 391 is to be as it were instead of presence, possession, and sight; or to make the things that will be, as if they were already in existence ; and the things unseen which God revealeth, as if our bodily eyes beheld them. 1. Not that faith doth really change its object. 2. Nor doth it give the same degree of apprehensions and affections, as the sight of present things would do. But, 1. Things invisible are the objects of our faith. 2. And faith is effectual instead of sight to all these uses : 1. The apprehension is as infallible, because of the objective certainty, (though not so satisfactory to our imperfect souls,) as if the things themselves were seen. 2. The will is determined by it in its necessary consent and choice. 3. The affections are moved in the necessary degree. 4. It ruleth in our lives, and bringethus through duty and suffer- ing, for the sake of the happiness which we believe. 3. This faith is agrounded, wise and justifiable act; an infallible knowledge ; and often called so in Scripture ; John vi. 69. Cor. xv. 58. Rom. viii. 28, &c. And the constitutive and efficient causes will justify the name. , We know and are infallibly sure of the truth of God, which we believe ; as it is said, "We believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God ; " (John vi. 69.) " We know that ifour earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved,, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens ; " (2 Cor. v. 1.) "We know that all things work together for good to them that love God ; !' (Rom. viii. 28.) " You know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord;" (1 Cor. xv. 58.) " We know God spake to Moses;" &c. (John. ix, 29.) " We know God heareth not sinners;" (John ix. 31.) " We know thou art a teacher come from God ; " John iii. 2. So 1 John iii. 5. 15. and 1 Pet. iii. 17. and many other Scriptures tell you, that be- lieving God, is a certain infallible sort of knowledge. I shall, in justification of the work of faith, acquaint you briefly with, 1. That in the nature of it: 2. And that in the causing of it, which advanceth it, to be an infallible knowledge. 1. The believer knows (as sure as he knows there is a God) that God is true, and his word is true, it being " impossible for God to lie ; " Heb. vi. 18. "God that cannot lie hath promised ; " Tit. i. 2. 2. He knows that the Holy Scripture is the word of God; by his image which it beareth, and the many evidences of divinity which it containeth, and the many miracles (certainly proved) which Christ, and his Spirit in his servants, wrought to confirm the truth. 3. And therefore he knoweth assuredly the conclusion, that all this word of God is true.