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LIFE OF FAITH. 397 CHAPTER II. Some Uses. Use 1. THIS being the nature and use of Faith, to apprehend things absent as if they were present, and things unseenas if they were visible before our eyes, you may hence understand the na- ture of Christianity, and what it is to be a true believer: Verily, it is another matter than the dreaming, self-deceiving world imagin- eth. Hypocrites think that they are Christians indeed, because they have entertained a superficial opinion that there is a Christ, an immortality of souls, a resurrection, a heaven, and a hell ; though their lives bear witness, that this is not a living and effectual faith ; but it is their sensitive faculties and interest that are predominant, and are the bias of their hearts. Alas ! a little observation may tell them, that notwithstanding their most confident pretensions to Christianity, they are utterly unacquainted with the Christian life. Would they live as they do, in worldly cares, and pampering of the flesh, and neglect of God, and the life to come, if they saw the things which they say they do believe ? Could they be sensual, ungodly, and secure, if they had a faith that served instead of sight ? Would you know who it is that is the Christian indeed ? 1. He is one that liveth (in some measure) as if he saw the Lord; believing in that God that dwelled) in the 'inaccessible light, that cannot be seen by mortal eyes, he liveth as before his face. He speaks, he prays, he thinks, he deals with men, as if he saw the Lord stand by. No wonder, therefore, ifhe do it with reverence and holy fear. No wonder if he make lighter of the, smiles or frowns of mortal man, than others do that see none higher; and ifhe observe not the lustre of worldly dignity, or fleshly beauty, wisdom or vainglory, before the transcendent, incomprehensible Light, to which the sun itself is darkness: When " he awaketh he is 'still with God ; " Psal. cxxxix, 18. " He sets the Lord al- ways before him, because he is at hisright hand, he is not moved ; " Psal. xvi. 8. And therefore the life of believers is oft called a walking with God, and a walking before God, as Gen. v. 22. 24. vi. 9. xvii. 1. in the case of Enoch, Noah, and Abraham. "All the day Both he wait on God;" Psal. xxv. 5. Imagine your- selves what manner of person he must be that sees the Lord ; and conclude that such (in his measure) is the true believer. For "by faith he seeth him that is invisible," (to the eye of sense,) and therefore can forsake the glory and pleasures of the world, and feareth not the wrathof princes, as it is said of Moses ; Heb. xi. 27..