Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

LIFE OF FAITH. 405 by this time, ' If this be the nature and use of faith, to make things unseen, as if we saw them, what a desolate case then is my soul in ! How void of faith ! How full of infidelity ! How far from the truth and power of Christianity ! Vow dangerously have I long deceived myself in calling myself a true Christian, and pre- tending to be a true believer ; when I never knew the life of faith, but took adead opinion, bred only by education, and the custom of the country instead of it : little did I think that I had been an in- fidel' at the heart, while I so confidently laid claim to the name of a believer! Alas! -how far have I been from living as one that seeth the things that he professeth to believe !' If some of your consciences be not thus convinced, and perceive not yet your want of faith, I fear it is because they are seared or asleep. But if yet conscience have not begun toplead this cadse against you, let me begin td plead it with your consciences. Are you be- lievers ? Do you live the life of faith, or not ? Do you live upon things that are unseen, or upon the present visible baits of sensuality ? That you may not turn away your ears, or hear me with a sluggish, senseless mind, let me tell you, first, how nearly it concerneth you to get this question soundly answered; and then, that you may not be deceived, let me help you towards the true resolution. 1. And for the first, you may perceive, by what is said, that saving faith is not so common as those° that know not the nature of it do imagine. "All men have nót faith;" 2 Thess. iii. 2. O, what abundance do deceivethemselves with naines, and shows, and a dead opinion, and customary religion, and take these for the life! '2. Till you have -this faith, you have no spècial interest in Christ. It is only believers that are united to him, and are his living members. And it is byfaith that he d'welleth in our hearts, and that we live in him ; Ephes. iii. 17. Gal. ii. 20. In vain do you boast óf Christ, if you are not true believers. You have no part or portion in him. None of his special bene4fts are yours, till you have, this living, working. faith. 3. You are still inthe state of enmity to GM, and unreconciled to him while you are unbelievers. For you can have no peace withGod-, nor access unto his favor, but by Christ ; Rom. v. 1 -4. Ephes. íi..14, 15. 17. And therefore you must come by faith to Christ, before you can come by Christ unto the Father, as those that have a special interest in his love. 4. Till you have this faith, you are under the guilt and load of all your sins, and under the curse and condemnation of the law; for there is no justification or forgiveness but by faith ; Acts xxvi. 18. Rom. iv. v. &e.