Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

414 LIFE OF FAITH. never known their sins, and wish they had lived in greater holi- ness than those whom they derided for it; what would you say, and do, and be, after such an amazing sight as this? Would you sport it out in sill, as you have done? . Would you take no better care for your salvation ? If you had seen those'sayings of theHoly Ghost fulfilled, " When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heav- en with his mighty angels, in flaming fire, taking vengeanceon them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power ; " (Jude 14, 15. 2 Thess. i. 7-9.) what mind do you think you should be of? Whacourse would you take, if you had but seen this dreadful day ?. Could you go on to think, and speak,.and live as sensually, stupidly and negligently as nowyou do ? " The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat ; the earth, also, and the works that are therein, shall be burnt up ;" 2 Pet. iii. 10 -12. Is it possible soundly to be- lieve such a day, so sure, so near, and no more regard it, nor make ready for it, than the careless, and ungodly do? 6. Suppose, at that day,, you had heard the devil accusing you of all the sins that you have committed, and set themout in the most odious aggravations,, and call for justice against you to your Judge: if you heard him pleading all those sins against you that now he daily tempts you to commit, and now maketh you believe are harmless, or small, inconsiderable things : if you heard him saying,. ` At sucha time this sinner refused grace, neglected Christ, despised heaven, and preferred earth; at such a time he derided godliness, and made a mock of the holyword and counsels of the Lord; at such a time he profaned the name of God; he coveted his neighbor's wealth; he cherished thoughts of envy, or of lust; he was drunk, or gluttonous, or committed fornication, and he was never thoroughlyconverted by renewing grace; and, therefore,he is an heir of hell, and belongs to me ; I ruled him, and I must have him ;' what would you think of a life of sin, if once you had heard such accusations as these? Howwould you deal by the next temptation if you had heard what use the tempter will here- after make of ail your sins? . . 7. What if you had seen the damned in their misery, and heard them cry out of the folly of their impenitent, careless lives ; and wishing, as Dives, (Luke xvi.) that their friends on earth might have "one sent from the dead, to warn them, that they come not to that place of torment ; " (I speak to men that say they are be- lievers;) what would you do upon 'such a sight? if you had heard them there torment themselves in the remembrance of the