Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

LIFE OF FAITH. 415 time they lost, the mercy they neglected, the grace resisted, and wish it were all to do again, and that they might once more be tried with another life ? If you saw how the world is altered with those that once were as proud and confident as others, what do you think such a sight would do with you? And why, then, doth the believing of it do no more, when the thing is certain? 8. Once more : suppose that, in your temptations, you saw the tempter appearing to you, and pleading with you, as he cloth by his inward suggestions, or by the mouths of his instruments. If you saw him, and heard him hissing you . on to sin, persuading you to gluttony, drunkenness, or uncleanness ; if the devil ap- peared to you, and led you to the place of lust, and offered you the harlot, or the cup ofexcess, and urged you to swear, or curse, or rail, or scorn; at a holy life ; would not the sight of the angel mar his game, and cool your courage, and spoil Your sport, and turn your stomachs? Would you be drunk, or filthy, if you saw him stand by you? Think on it the next time you are tempted. Stout men have been appalled by such a sight. And do you not believe that it is he indeed that tempteth you? As sure as if your eyes beheld him, it is he that prompteth men to jeer at god- liness, and puts your wanton, ribald speeches, and oaths, and curses into your mouths: he is the tutor of the enemies of grace, that teacheth them'' doctè delirare, ingeniosè insanire,' ingeniously to quarrel with the way of life, and learnedly to confute the argu- ments that would have saved them; and subtlely to dispute them- selves out of the hands of mercy, and gallantly to scorn to stoop to Christ, till there be no remedy; andwith plausible eloquence to commend the plague and sickness of their souls; and irrefra- gably maintain it, that the way to hell will lead to heaven ; and to justify the sins that will condemn them and honorably and tri- umphantly to overcome their friends, and serve the devil in mood and figure, and valiantly to cast themselves into hell, in despite of all the laws and reproofs of God or man that would have hindered them. It being most certain that this is the devil's work, and you durst not do it if he moved you to it with open face, how dare you do it when faith would assure you, that it is as verily he as if you saw him? More distinctly, answer these following questions, upon the fore- going suppositions Quest. 1. If you saw but what you say you do believe, would you not be convinced that the most pleasant, gainful sin is worse than madness? And woùld you not spit at the very name of it, and openly cry out of your open folly, and beg for prayers, and love reprovers, and resolve to turn without delay ? Quest. 2. What would you thinkof the most serious, holy life,