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LIFE OF FAITH. 417 Quest. 5. If you had seen what you say you do believe, would you hunt as eagerly for wealth, or honor, and regard the thoughts or words of men, as you did before ? Though it is only the be- liever that truly honoreth his rulers, (for none else honor then for God, but use them for themselves) yet wonder not if he fear not much the face of man, and be no admirer of worldly greatness, whenhe séeth what theywill be, as well as what they are. Would not usurpers have been less feared, ifall could have foreseen their fall ? Even common reason can foresee that shortly, you will all be dust. Methinks I foresee your ghastly paleness, your loath- some blackness, andyour habitation in the dark. And who can much envy or desire the advancements that have such an end? One sight of God would blast all the glory of the world, that is now the bait for man's perdition. Quest: 6. Would temptations powerful as now they are, ifyou did but see the things 'you, hear of? Could all the beauty or pleasures in the world entice you to filthiness or sensuality, if you saw God over you, and judgment before you, and saw what damned souls now suffer, and what believers now enjoy? Could you. be persuaded, by any company' or recreation, to waste your precious time in vain, with such things in your eye? I am confi- dent you wàuld abhor the motion, and entertain temptations to the most honored, gainful, pleasant sin, as now you would do a motion tocut your own throats, or leap into a coal-pit, or thrust your head into a burning oven. Why, then, doth not faith thus shame temptations, if, indeed., you do believe these things ? Will you say, it is your weakness, you cannot choose; or that it is your nature to be lustful, revengeful, sensual, and you cannot overcome it; but ifyou had a sight of heaven and hell, you could then re- sist; you cannot now, because you will not; but did you see that whichwould make you willing, your power would appear. The sight of a judge or gallows can restrain men. The sight of a per- son whom you reverence can restrain the exercise of your dis- graceful sins; much more would the sight of heaven and hell. If you were but dying, you would shake the head at him that would then tempt you to the committing of your former sins. And is not a lively, foreseeing faith as effectual ?, Quest. 7. Had you seen what you sayyou do believe, you would not so much stick at sufferings,.nor make so great a matter of it, to be reproached, slandered, imprisoned,,or condemned byman, when God and your salvation command your patience. A sight of hell would make you think it worse than madness to hen thither to es- cape the wrathof man, or any sufferings on earth ; Rom. viii. 18. Quest. 8. And O, bow such a sight would advance the Re- deemer, and his grace, and promises, and word, and ordinances, in VOL. u. 53