Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

426 LIFE" OF FAITH. a needle's eye to heaven. To live as inheaven in, a crowd of business and stream of temptations from the confluence of all worldly things, is so hard, that few such come to heaven. With- draw yourselves, therefore, to the frequent, serious forethoughts of eternity, and live by faith. Had time allowed it, I should have come down to some particular instances, as, 1. Let the things unseen be still at hand to answer every temptation, and shame and repel each motion to sin. 2. Let them be still at hand to quicken us to duty, when back- wardness and coldness,doth surprise us: What ! shall we do any thing coldly for eternity? 3. Let it resolve you what company to delight in, and what society to be of; even those with whom you must dwell forever. What side soever is uppermost on earth, you may foresee which side shall reign forever. 4. Let the things invisible be your daily solace, and the satis- faction of your souls. Are you slandered by men? Faith tells you,it is enough that Christ will justify you. O happy day ! when he will bring forth our righteousness as the light, and set all straight, which all the falsehistories or slanderous tongues or pens in all the world made crooked. Are you frowned on or contemned by men? Is it not enough that you shall everlastingly be honored by the Lord ? Are you wronged, oppressed, or trodden on by pride or malice? Is not heaven enough to make you repara- tion ? And eternity long enough for your joys ? O pray for your malicious enemies,, lest they suffer more than you can wish them! 2. Lastly, I should have become, on the behalfof Christ, a pe- titioner to you for protection and encouragement to the heirs of the invisible world ; for them that preach and them that live in this life of faith ; not for the honors and riches of the world ; but for leave and countenance to work in the vineyard, and peace- ably travel through the world as strangers, and live in the commu- nion of saints as they believe. But, though it be for the beloved of the Lord, the apple of his eye, the people that are sure to pre- vail and reign with Christ forever; whose prayers can do more for the greatest princes than you can do for them, whosejoy is has- tened by that which is intended for their sorrow ; I shall now lay by any further suit en their behalf. But for yourselves, O use your seeing and foreseeing faculties ! Be often looking through the prospective of the promise; and live not by sense on present things ; but live as if you saw the glorious things which you say you do believe. That when worldly titles