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48 LIFE OF FAITH. HEBREWS xi. 1. NOW FAITH IS THE SUBSTANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR,- THE EVI- I)ENCC OF THINGS NOT SEEN. CHAPTER I. For Convictign.. IN the opening of this text, I have already showed, that ' it is the nature and use of faith to be instead of presence andsight; or tomake things absent, future, and unseen, to be to us, as to our esti- mation, resolution, and conversation, as if they were present, and before our eyes ; though not as to the degree, yet as to the sincer- ity of our acts.' In the handling of this doctrine, I have already showed, that this faith is a grounded, justifiable knowledge, and not a fancy or ineffectual opinion; having for its object the infallible revelation and certain truth of God; and not a falsehood, nor a mere proba- bility, or'verisimile.' I have showed how such 'a faith will work; how far it should carry us if its evidence were fully entertained and improved ; and how far it doth carry all that have it sincerely hr the least degree; and I have showed some of the moving considera- tions that should prevail with us to live upon the things unseen as if they were open to our sight. I think I may suddenly proceed here to the remaining part of the application, without any recital of the explication or confirma- tion, the truth lying so naked in the text itself. The life of faith and the life of'sense are the two ways that all the world do walk in to the two extremely different ends which appear when death withdraws, the veil. It is the ordination of God, that men's own estimation, choice, and endeavors, shall be the necessary preparative to their fruition. ' Demo nolens bonus aut beatus est.' Men shall have no better than they value, and choose, and seek. Where earthly things are highest in the esteem and dearest to the mind of man, such persons have no higher nor more durable portion. Where theheavenly things are highest and dearest to the soul, and are practically preferred, they are the por- tion of that soul. Where the treasure is, the heart will be ; Matt. vi. 21. The sanctifying Spirit doth lead the spiritual man, by a spiritual rule, in spiritual way, to a spiritual, glorious, durable -fe -'