Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

430 LIFE OE FAITH. Consider, thenbut of theprofession of manyofthe people ofthis land,, and compare their practicewith it, and judge what compas- sion the condition of many doth bespeak. If you will believe them, they profess that they verily believe in the invisible God,; in a Christ unseen to them; in the Holy Spirit, gathering a holy church tb Christ, and employing them in a communion of saints ; that theybelieve a judgment to come, upon the glorious coming of the Lord ; and an everlasting life ofjoyor torment thereupon.. All this is in their creed: they would take him for a damnable heretic that denieth it; and perhaps would consent that he be burned at a stake. So that you would think these men should live as if heaven and hell were open to their sight. But, O, what a hypo- critical generation are the ungodly ! How their lives do give their tongues the lie ! (Remember that I apply this to no better men.) It is a wonder that such men can believe themselves, when they say they do indeed believethe gospel; and shows what a monster the blind, deceitful heart of an impenitent sinner is. In good sad- ness can they think that they truly believe that God is God, and yet so willfully disobey him ? That heaven is heaven, and yet prefer the world before it? That hell is hell, and yet will ven- ture upon it for a lust, or a thing of nought? What! believe that there is at hand a life of endless joy, and no more mind ; it ! but hate them that set their hearts , upon it ! Do they believe, that excelit a man be converted and new born, he shall not enter into the kingdomof heaven? as Christ bath told them, (Matt. xviii. 3. John iii. 3. 5.) and yet never trouble their minds about it, to try whether they are converted and new born or not? Do theybelieve God, that no man shall see him without holiness? (Heb. xii. 14.) and yet dare they be unholy? and perhaps deride it? Do they believe that. Christ will come in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ;, who shall be punished with everlastingdestruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power? " 2 Thess. ii. 8, 9. And yet dare they disobey the ,gospel,? Do they take God for their absolute Lord and Governor, while they will not so much as meditate on his laws, but care more what a mortal man saith, or what their flesh and camal reason saith, than what he saith to them in his holy word ? Do, they take Christ for their Savior, and yet would not be saved by him from their,sitts, but had rather keep them ? Do they take the Holy Ghost for their Sanctifier, while they will not have a sanctified heart or life, and love it not in those that have it? Do they take heaven for their endless home : and happiness, while they neither mind nor seek it, in comparison of the world? And do they take the world for vanity and ,vexation, while they mind and seek it more