Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

LIFE by FAITH. 433 friends did once by Christ, (Mark iii. 21.) that wen out to lay hold onhim, andsaid, "He is 'beside himself." For trifles you account it wisdom to be serious ; but for everlasting things, you account it folly, or to be more busy and solicitous than needs. You can de- sire an act of pardon and indemnity from man ; when as you are little solicitous about a pardon from God, towhose justice youhave forfeited your souls. And ifa than be but earnest in begging his pardon, and praying to be saved from everlastingmisery, you scorn him, because he does it without book, and say , he whines, or speaks through the nose ;, forgetting that we shall have you, one of these days, as earnest, in vain, as they are that shall prevail for their salvation ; and that'the terrible approach of death and judgment shall teach you also to praywithout book, and cry, "Lord, Lord, open to us," when the door is shut, and it is all too late; Matt. xxv. 11. O, sirs;had you but a lively, serious, foreseeing. faith, that open- eth heaven and hell as to your sight, what a cure would it workof this hypocrisy ! 1. Such a sight' would quicken you from your sloth, and put more life into your thoughts and words, and all that you attempt for God. 2. Such a sight would soon abate your pride, and humble you before the Lord, and make you see how short you are of what you should be. 3. Such a sight would dull the edge of your covetous desires, and show you that'you have greater things to mind, and another kind of world than this to seek. 4. Such a sight would make you esteem the temptations of men's reports but as the shaking of a leaf, and their allurements' and threats as impertinent speeches, that would' cast a feather or a fly into the balance against a mountain, or against the world. 5. Such a sight would allay the itch of lust, and quench the drunkard's insatiable thirst, and turn your gulosity into moderation and abstinence, and acquaint you with a higher sort of pleasures, that are durable, and worthy of a man. 6. Such a sight would cure your desireof pastime, and show you that you have no time to spare, when all is done that necessity and everlasting things require. 7. Such a sight would change your ,relish of God's ordinances, and esteem of ministers, and teach you to love and savor that which is spiritual and serious, rather than hypocritical strains and shows. It would teach you better how to judge of sermons and of prayers, than unexperienced minds will ever do. 8. Such a sight would' cure your malignity against the ways and diligent servants of the Lord ;'and. instead of opposing them, VOL. II. 55