Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

436 LIFE of FAITH. state of those in heaven ?. And do you like the-way that brought them thither? Ifnot, why speak you of them so honorably? and why would you keep holy days in remembrance ofthem ? If you do, examine the sacred records, and see whether the apostles, and others that are now honored as glorified saints, .did live as you do, or rather as those that you think are too precise? Did they spend the day in feasting, and sports, and idle talk ? Did they swagger it out in pride and wealth, and hate their brethren that were not in all things of their conceits ? Did they come to heaven by a world- ly, formal, hypocritical, ceremonious religion ; or by faith, and love, and self-denial, and unwearied laboring for their own and other men's salvation, while they became the wonder and the scorn of the ungodly, and as the offscouring and refuse of the world? Do you like holiness when it is far from you; in a dead man, that never troubled you with his presence or re- proofs, or in a saint in heaven, that comes not near you ? Why, then, do you not like it for,yourselves ? If it be good, the nearer the better. Your own health, and your own wealth, do comfort you more than another man's ; and so' would your own holiness.if you had it. If you would speed as they that . are now beholding the face of God, believe, and live, and wait as they did. And as the righteous God did not forget their work and labor of love for his name, so he will remember you with the saine reward, if you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end; and "be not slothful, 'but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promise;." Heb. yi. 10-12. O, did you but see what they now enjoy, and what they see, and what they are, and what they do, you would never, sure, scorn or persecute a saint more ! If you believe, you see, though not as they, with open face. If you believe not,yet it is not your unbelief, that shall make God's word of none effect; Rom. iii. 3. Godwill be God if you be, atheists. Christ will be Christ if you be infidels. Heaven will be heaven ifyou, by despising it, go to hell. Judg- ment sleepeth not when you sleep : it is coming as fast when you laugh at it, or question it, as if your eyes were open to foresee it. if you would not believe that you . must die, do you think that this would delay your death one year or hour? If ten or twenty years' time more he allotted you, it passeth as swiftly, and death and judgment come as surely, if you spend it in voluptuousness and unbelief, as if you watched and waited for your change. We preach not to you ifs 'and ands : it is not perhaps there is a heaven and hell ; but as sure as you are here, and must anon go hence, you must as shortly quit this world; and take up your abode in the world that is now to us invisible. And no tongue can express how sensible you will then be of the thingsthat you will not