Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

LfFE OF FAITH. 447 betrayed soul. He cuts out the heart witha ' Hæ sedes livoris erant: jam pascua vermis;' you next tread on his interred corpse, that is honored but with a ' Hic jacet,' Here lieth the body of such an one. And if he have honor to be magnified by fame or his- tory, it is a foot-trap to insnaré the living, but easeth not the soul in hell. And, shall we envy men such a happinessas this ? What if they be able to command men's lives, andto hurt those that they hate for a little while? Is this a matter of honor or of delight? A pestilence is more honorable, if destroying be an honor. The devil is more powerful (if God permit him) to do men hurt than thegreatest tyrant in the world. And yet I. hope you envy not his happiness, nor are ambitious to partake of it.. If witches were not akin to devils, they would never sell their souls for a power to do hurt. And how little do tyrannical worldlings consider, that under a mask of government and honor, they do the same! Let the world then rejoice, while we lament and weep. "Our sorrow shall be speedily turned into joy ; add our joy shall no man then take from us ; " John xvi. 20. 22. Envy not a dying man the happiness of a feather bed, or a'merry dream. . You think it hard in them to deny you the liberties and comforts of this life, though you look for heaven ; and will you be more cruel than the ungodly? Will you envy the trifling commodities and delights of earth, to those that are like to have no more, but to lie in hell when the sport is ended ? It is unreasonable impatience that can- not endure to see them in silks and gallantry a fewdays, that most he so extremely miserable forever.. Your crumbs, and leavings, and overplus is their all; and will you grudge them this much? In this you are unlike your heavenly Father, that doth good to the just and unjust. Would youchange cases with them? Would you change the fruit of your adversity for the fruit of their pros- perity? Affliction maketh you somewhat more calm, and wise, and sober, and cautelous, and considerate, and preventeth as well as enroll sin. Prosperity makes them (through their abuse) incon- siderate, rash, insensible, foolish, proud, unpersuadable. "And the turning away of the simple slayeth them; and the prosperity of fools destroyeth them'';" Prov. 32. It is long since Lazarus' sores were healed, and his wants relieved ; and long since Dives' feast was ended, O, let me rather be afflicted than rejected;, and be a door-keeper in the house of God than dwell in the tents of wickedness ; and rather be under the rod than turned out of doors. Look with a serious faith upon eternity, and then make a great matter of enjoyments or sufferings here, if you can. Great joys and sorrows forbidmen to complain of the biting of a flea. Thun- der-claps drown a whispering, voice.