Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

I.IFT. OF FAITH. 449 that the world affords, how difficult a work, then, is self-deniall and the reignof the flesh is contrary to the reign Of Christ. Where the flesh and visible things bear sway, the enemy of Christ bears Sway. " The carnal mind is enmity against God ; for it is dot subject to his law, nor canbe ; " Rom. viii. 7. And how Christ's enemies will receive his laws, and use hispm1essengers, and regard his ways and servants, the most of the w,ofd have experience to their cost. The interest of the flesh being contrary to Christ's interest, the competition maintaineth a continual conflict. The word of God doth seem tobe against them; the faithful ministers that would save 'them from their sins do seem to wrong them, and deal toe boldly with them. Were it an Elijah, he would be call- ed " The troubler of Israel ; " and meet with an " Hast thou found me, Omine enemy?" Nomeasure of prudence,knowledge, piety, innocency, meekness, or self-denial, will serve to appease the wrath and displeasure,of this carnal enmity., If it would, the apostles had escaped it ; or, at least, it would not have fallen an furiously uponChrist himself. Nay,, these are the oil that increase the flame. And Satan bath still the bellows inhis hand : he know- eth that if he can corrupt or win the commander, he can rout the army, and ruin them with the greatest ease. It bath been Satan's grand design, since the Christian's name was known on earth, to advance the selfish interest of men against the interest of Christ; and to entangle the rulers ofthe world in some cause,'that Christ, and his word and servants, cannot favor, and so to make them be- lieve that there is a necessity on them to watch against and sub- due the interest of Christ. As if it were necessary that the shore be brought to the boat, and not the boat to the shore ; and that the physician be brought to the patient's mind, or else destroyed or used as his enemy. I am afraid to speak out the terrible words of God, in Scripture, that are against such persons, lest you should misunderstand me, and think I misapply them: But Christ feareth no man,,and hath not spoken his word in vain ; and his messen- gers must be faithful, for he will bear them out; and preventive cautions are easier and safer than reprehensive Corrosives. I will but refer you to the texts, that you may peruse them ; Matt. xxi. 44. xviii. 3. 6. xxv. 45, 46., Luke xviii. 7. Psal. ii. Luke xix. 27. Acts ix. 4, 5. 1 Thess. ii. 15, 16. Read them with fear, as the words of God. Blessed are those rulers and nations of the earth, that perceive and escape this pernicious snare of the grand deceiver,, that, with all his subtlety and industry, endeavoreth to breed quarrels and sow dissensions between them and the uni- versal King. The more God giveth to th'e carnal and unwise, the more they think themselvesengaged against hirn; because, by his commands, he VOL. H. 57