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strrse IN orri wo.rrs. 433 Christ) intowhich we are baptized. 2.' One spirit of holiness in, all. 3. One hope of the glorious reward. 4. One Lord by whom we do attain it. 5. One faith, even Christian verity. 6. One baptism, or covenant of Christianity. 7. And one God and Fa- ther of all. And in these God would have all his servants to be one; then come in these overdoers,andthey must have us to be all one inall their Papal policy, and all the decrees of their pope and Councils de Fide, and in their multitudeof corruptions, and cere- monious impositions; which is as much as to say, ` You shall have no unity ;' for he that saith to all the city or kingdom, You shall be destroyed for discord, or reproached as dividers, if you are not all of one complexion, or have not all the same appetite, age, or bodily stature, doth .pronounce reproach or destruction on them absolutely : so is it with all others that put their self-devised terms on their brethren as necessary to unity and peace, on how pious or fair pretenses soever impossible conditions make the thing impos- sible. These are the church-tearing scandals. These are the snares by which Satan hato made the church a scorn, and our re- ligion a stumbling-block toTurks andheathens; but had the peace- makers been heard, who learned of the Holy Ghost (Acts xv.) to impose nothing on the brethren but necessary things, and who have labored to revive love, and shame emulations and divisions, God had been more glorified by men, and the reproach of the churches and solemn assemblies taken away. When all sects and parties have bustled and raised a dust in the world to foul the church, and to blind each other, if ever the church's glory' be restored, and our shame taken away, it will be by men of love and peace, by healing, uniting, reconciling principles and means. XIX. He that will glorify God must live in and to the will of God,,and seek to reduce hisown will wholly into God's, and to destroy in himself all wïll'that,striveth against God's will. 1. The disposing will of God, our owner, must be absolutely submitted to, and the bounteous will of God, our benefactor, thank- fully and joyfully acknowledged. 2. The ruling will of God, our lawgiver, must be with daily study and care obeyed, and his punishing and rewarding justice glorified. 3. The final felicitating will and love of God, our ultimate end and object, that we mayplease him, and be everlastingly pleased in him, love him, and be loved'by him, must be totally desired and sought, as the only and perfect rest of souls. O ! that is the holy, the joyful, the honorable Christian, who daily laboreth, and in some good measure Both prevail, to have no will but the will of God, and that which wholly is resolved ; wholookethno further to knowwhat lie should do, but to know Dili+