Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

SHINE IN OUR WORKS. 497 1. When the pastors are learned in the Holy Scriptures, and skillful in their sacred work, and far excel all the people in the light of faith and knowledge, and in love to goodness, and to men's souls, and in lively, zealous diligence for God, and for men's sal- vation, thinking no labor, cost, or suffering, too dear a price for the people's good ; when no sufferings or reproaches move them, nor account they their lives dear to them, that they may but finish their course and ministry with joy. When their public preaching hath convincing light and clearness, and powerful, affectionate application; and their private oversight is performed with impar- tiality, humility, and unwearied diligence, and they are able to resolve the people's cases of conscience solidly, and to exhort them earnestly, with powerful reason, and melting love; this hon- oreth religion, and winneth souls. When they envy not one another, nor strive who shall be great- est or uppermost; but contrariwise, who shall be most serviceable to his brethren, and to the people's souls. When they oversee and feed the flock of God which is among them, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind ; neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock; and seeking not theirs, but them; are willing to spend and be spent for their sakes; yea, though the more they love them the less they are beloved; not minding, high things, but condescending to men of low estate ; this is the way for ministers to glorifyGod; 1 Pet. v. 1-4. Acts xx. 2 Tim. i. 14, 15. 1 Tim. iv. 10. Heb. iv. 11 -13, Acts xx. 24. 1 Thess. ii. 8. 2 Tim. iv. 1 -3. Luke xxii. 24-26. 2Cor. xii. 14, 15. Rom. xii. 16.' When ministers are above all worldly interest, and so teach and live that the people may see that they seek not the honor which is of men, but only that which is of God, and lay not up a treasure on earth, but in heaven; and trade all for another world, and are further from pride than the lowest of the flock ; when they have not only the clothingof sheep, but their harmless, profitable nature, and not the ravenousness or bloody jaws of destroying wolves. When they use not carnal weapons in their warfare, but by an eminency of light, and love, and life, endeavor to work the same in others; when they are of more public spirit than the people, and more self-denying, and above all private interests, and envy- ings and revenge, and are more patient in suffering than the people, through the power of stronger faith, and hope, and love. When they are wholly addicted to holiness and peace, and are zealous for the love and unity of believers, and become all things to all men, to win some; in meekness instructing opposers, abhorring contention, doing nothing in strife or vain glory, but preferring others before themselves; not preaching Christ in pride or envy, nor seeking their own praise, but thirsting after men's conversion,