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SIIINE IN min WORKS. .491 glory we shall shine as stars in the firmament of our Father, if we do so here ; Dan. xii. 3. Matt. xiii. 43. Phil.. ii. 15. This must not make us proud, but thankful;:for our pride is our shame, and our humility is our glory. Use 2. And what wonder if all the powers of darkness do bend their endeavors to obscure this sacred light! The Prince of Darkness is 'the enemy of the Father of Lights ; and this is the great war between Christ and Satan in the world. Christ is the light of the world, and setteth up ministerial lights for the world and for his house. His work is to send them forth, to teach them, and defend .them, to send his Spirit to work in and by them, to bring men to the everlasting light. And Satan's work is to stir up all that he can against them, high and low, learned and un- learned, and to :put Christ's lights, both ministers and people, under a bushel ; and to make;the world believe that they are ene- mies, and come to hurt them, that they may be hated as the scorn and offscouringof the world,and to keep up ignorance in ministers themselves, that, the chureh's eyes being dark, the. darkness may be great. But let us pray that God would " forgive our enemies, perse- cutors, and slanderers, and turn their hearts ; " and that he would " open our lips, that. our months may show forth his praise ; " and though his ministers and,people have their faulty weaknesses, that he would be merciful to our infirmities, and .grant that those things 'which the craft and subtlety of the devil or man worketh against us may be brought to nought, and by the providence of his goodness may be dispersed; that we, his servants, being hin- dered by no persecution; may give thanks tohim in.his holy church, and serve him in holiness and pureness of life, to his glory,'. through Jesus Christ. Use 3. You may.see hence how much those 'men are mistaken, who talk of the good. works or lives ofChristians, as that which must have no honor, lest it dishonor God ; as if all the honor were taken from Christ which is given to god works, and the patient's health were .the dishonor of the physician, when we are redeemed and purified to be zealous of good works, and created for them in Christ Jesus, as Titus ii. 14.. Eph. ii. 10. Yea, and shall be judged according to our works. Use 4. Tins informeth you that the good works or lives of Christians, is a great means ordained by Christ forthe convincing of sinners, and the glorifying of God in the world. Preaching doth much, but it is not appointed todo all. The lives of preach- ers must also be a convincing light; and all troe'Christians, men and women, are called to preach to the world by their good works ; and a holy, righteous and sober life is the great ordinance of God, appointed for the savingóf yourselves and others. 0 that the