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saug rN octi woags. 493 and ruin of each other? and hearing even preachers reproach each other? or seeing them silence on persecute each other? or by seeing the people run into many sects, and separate from one another, as unworthy of Christian communion? Will proud, igno- rant, censorious, fleshly, worldly professors of religion ever draw the world to love religion ? Or will peevish, self-willed, impatient, discontented souls, that are still wrangling, crying, and repining, make men believe that their religion rejoiceth; blesseth, And sane- tifieth the soul, and maketh men far happier than all others in the World ? Alas ! what 'wonder that so small a part of the world are Christians, and so few, converted to the love of holiness, when the great means is denied them by,you which God hath appointed for their conversion, and the world hath not one`'helper for a.hundred or thousand that it should have ! You cry out at those that 'put out the church-lights, under pretense Of snuffing them, while your- selves are darkness, or as a stinking snuff. O, brethren and Christians all, I beseech you, let us now, and often, closely ask ourselves, What do we mere than an Antonine, a Seneca, or a Cicero, or a Socrates did, beyond opinions, words, and formalities? What do you which is like to convert the world, toconvince an infidel, or glorify God ? Nay, do not some among us think that it is the height, or part of their religion, to live so. contrary to the world, as to be singular from others; even in lawful or indifferent things, and to vio little or 'nothing which the world thinks well of? As if crossing and displeasing men needlessly were their winning conversation. O, when once we go as far beyond them in love,' humility, meekness, patience, fruitfulness, mortification, self-denial, and heavenliness, as we do in opinions, profession, and self-esteem, then we shall win souls, and glorify God, and he will also glorify- us. Use 6. And here we see the wonderful mercy of God to the world, who bath appointed them so much means for their convic- tion and salvation. So many Christians as there be in the world, so many practical preachers and helps to men's conversion are there appointed by God ; and let the blame and shame lie on us, whew it is due, and not on God, if yet the world remain in dark- ness. It is God's will that every Christian in the world should be as a star, to shine to sinners in their darkness; and O, then, how gloriously would the world be bespangled and enlightened ! If you say, ' Why, then, doth n6t God make Christians better ?' That is a question which cannot be well answered, without a larger opening of the methods of grace than we can now have leisure for, and therefore must be done in its proper season. Use 7. Those that honor God he will honor and therefore let us also give them that honor which is their due. The barren professors, who honor themselves by overvaluing their poor