Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

TO THE INH,ABITAN.TS OF THE BOROUGH AND FOREIGN OF KIDDERMINSTER, ÌN THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER. DEAR FRIENDS, WHILE I was lately turning up the rubbish of my old papers, I found this sermon in the bottom, which I had quite for- gotten that I kept, but thought it had been cast away with many hundred others. Much of the last sheet was added to the sermon after I came from you ; and I remember that when I. intended to send you this sermonas my farewell, I durst not then have so much converse with you, for your own sakes, lest it should raise more enmity against you, and your displeasing circumstances of reli- gious practice should be said to come frommy continued counsels to you. I have lately taken my farewell of the world, in a book which I called ' My Dying Thoughts ;' my pain of body and debility in- creasing, and my flesh being grown to me more grievous than all my enemiesor outward troubles. I remembered the benefit 1 often received upon your prayers ; and craving the continuanceof them, till you hear of my dissolution, therewith I send this, as my spe- cial farewell to yourselves, whom I am bound to remember with more than ordinary love and thankfulness, while I am RICHARD BAXTER,