Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

BAXTER'S' FAREWELL SÉRMÒN, JOHN xvi. 29,. AND YE NOW, THEREFORE, HAVE SORROW;. BUT I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN, AND YOUR HEART SHALL REJOICE, ANDYOUR JOY NO SIAN TAIíETH FROM YOU. MY DEARLY BELOVED IN OUR DEAREST LORD, I WILL SO far consent to your troubled thoughts of this unwelcome day, as to ,confessthat to me, as well as you, it some- what resembleth the day of death. 1. Death is the separation of the dearest consorts, soul and body ; and how near the union is be- twixt us, boththat of'relation and that ofaffection, whichmust admit this daysof some kind of dissolution, I will rather tell to strangers than to you: 2. Death is unwelcome both to soul and body, of itself; (though it destroynotthe soul, it cloth the bòdy.) So dear compan- ions part not willingly. Your hearts and minds are here so over-for- ward in the application, that words may be well spared, wheresense hath taken sodeep possession, 3. Death is the end of human con- verse here on earth. We must see and talk with our friends here no more. And this our separation is like to end that converse be- tween you and me, which formerly we have had in the duties of our relations. We must no more go up together, as formerly, to the house of Ggd; I must no more speak to you publicly in his name, nor solace my own soul, in opening to you the gospel of sal- Those nor in the mention ofhis covenant, his grace, or kingdom. souls that have not been convinced andconverted, are never like to hear more from me for their conviction or 'conversion. I have finishedall the instruction, reproof, exhortation, and persuasion, which ever I must use, in order to their salvation. I must speak here no more to inform the ignorant, to reform the wicked, to re- duce the erroneoús, to Search the hypocrite, to humble the proud, to bow the obstinate, or to bring the worldly, the impenitent, and ungodly to the knowledge of the word, themselves, and God. I must speak no more to strengthen the weak, to comfort the afflict- ed, nor to build you up in faith and holiness. Our day is past; our night is come, when we cannot work as formerly we have done. My opportunities here are at an end. 4. Death is the VOL. II. 63