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RAXTER'S FAREWELL SERStON. 519 kingdom. He that hath made it his office to redeem and save them, and hath so dearly bought them, and gone so far in the stork of their salvation, will lose none of all his cost and preparations ; but for his people, and his blood, and his honor, and his, Father's will, and love, will certainly finish what he hath undertaken. And therefore his withdrawings shall not be everlasting. 6. It is for their sakes that he withdraweth for a time : though the bitter part be for their sin, it is intended as medicinal for their benefit : sometimes he doth it to awake and humble them, and stir them up to seek him, and call after him ; to show them what they have done in provoking him to withdraw, and hide his face, that renewed repentance may prepare them for the comforts of his return. Sometimes he bath such work for them to do, which is not so agreeable to his presence_; as fasting, and mourning, and confessing him in sufferings; Matt. ix. 15. And sometimes he hath comforts of another kind to give them in his seeming absence. "I tell you the truth ; it is expedient for you that I go away ; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto y'ou ; but if I depart, I will send him to you ; " John xvi. 7. As there were comforts which the disciples were fittestfor in Christ's bodily ab- sence, so, when he will take away his ordinances, or our prosperity or friends, there, are comforts of another sort, in secret communion with him, and in suffering for him, whichhis people may expect;. not that any can expect it, who on that pretense do reject these ordinances and mercies, no more than the disciples could have ex- pected the Comforter, if they had rejected the corporal presence of Christ ; but God hath such supplies for those that mournfor his departure. Use 1. Misunderstand not, then, the departings of your Lord. It is too bad to say with the evil servant, "My Lord delayeth his coming ; " and worse to say he will never return. 1. He will re- turn at his appointed day to judge the world; to justify his saints,, whom the world condemned ; to answer the desires, and satisfyall the expectations of believers; and to comfort and everlastingly reward the faithful that have patiently waited his return. And when he returneth with salvation, then shall we also return from our calamities, and shall discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that served God, and him that served him not ; Mal. iii. 18. Undoubtedly our "Redeemer liveth, and shall stand at the latter day upon the earth; and though, after our skin, worms devour these bodies, yet in our flesh shall we see God; Job xix. 25,26. "Behold he eometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him ; and all kin- dreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen ; " Rev, i. 7. Though unbelieving scoffers shall say, "Where is the