Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

524 BAXTER'S FAREWELL SERMON. the praises of the everlasting kingdom, the heavenly glory, the blessed society, and especiallyof the Lamb and ofthe eternal God. You would not think that this is the same person,that lately could scarce think well of God, or that dwelt in tears, and dust, and dark- ness, and could think of nothing but sin and hell, and from every text and every providence, concluded nothing but undone, or damned': would you think this joyful, thankful soul were the same that lately was crying on the cross, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me ? " that could find nothing written on the tables of his heart, but forsaken, miserable and undone ; that daily cried out, ' It is too late there is no hope ; I had a day of grace, but it is past and gone.' When Christ returneth, and causeth his face to shine upon them, all this is turned into ' Praise, and honor, and glory unto the Lamb, and to the almighty and most holy God, that liveth forever, and is the everlasting joy and portion of his saints.' And, sooner or later, thus will it be with all the upright, that wait qn God in yhe day of trial, and deal rlbt falsely in his covenant.. The Son, who was brought up with the Father, and was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him ; rejoicing, also, in the habitable parts of the earth, whose delights were with the sons of men, doth bless the children of wisdom with a participation of his delights ; for "Blessed are they that keep his ways." "Blessed is the man that.heareth him, watching daily at his gates, waiting at the posts of his doors; for he that findeth him findeth life, and shall . obtain favor of the Lore ; " Prov. viii. 30-36. Though Christ had left his disciples so lately under fears and trouble, guilty of deserttjng him, and, seemingly, now deserted by him; yet, early vn the third day, he ariseth for their consolation, and presently sendeth them these joyful words, in the first speech he uttered); and that by a woman that had been 'sorrowful and a sinner " Go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God;" John xx. 117. Those that his ministers have long been comforting in vain, when Christ returneth he will revive and comfort them in a moment, and with a word. The soul that now crieth, ' 0, it is impossible; it will never be,' doth little know how easy it is with Christ. It is but saying, "Lazarus, arise;" or, "Let there be light," and there will be lifeand light immedií;tely at his command. 2. And so, when he restoreth his ordinances and order to a for- saken church, and restoreth their holyopportunities and advantages of grace, what gladness and praising their Redeemer will there be! as it was with the churches upon the death of Julian, and after the heathen and the Arian persecutions, in the happy reign of Constantine, Theodosius, Martian, lac. How joyfully did the English exiles return to worship God in their native land,