Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

HOW TO DO GOOD TO MANY; OR, THE PUBLIC. GOOD IS THE CHRISTIAN'S LIFE. GAL. vi. 10. AS WE HAVE, THEREFORE, OPPORTUNITY, LET US DO GOOD TO ALL MEN; ESPECIALLY UNTO THEM WHO ARE OF THE HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH. GOOD is an epithet of the highest signification of any in hu- man language. Some think the name of God is thence derived. Greatness and wisdom are equally his attributes, but goodness is the completion, and sweetness to the creature. Christ appropri- ateth it to God to be good, that is, essentially, primarily, and per- fectly, and universally communicative: when it is said that God is love, the sense is the same, that he is the infinite, essential, and efficiently, and finally amiable, perfect good. But though no one of his attributes in propriety and perfection are communicable, (else he that bathone part of the Deity must have all,) yet he imprinteth his similitude and image on his works ; and the impress of his love and goodness is the chief part of his image on his saints : this is their veryholiness ; for this is the chief part of their likeness to God, and dedication to him : when the Spirit of sanctification is described in Scripture, as given upon be- lieving, it signifieth, that our faithful perception of the redeeming, saving love of God in Christ is that means which the Spirit of Christ will bless, to the operating of the habit bf holy love to God and man, which becomes a new and divine nature to the soul, and is sanctification itself, and the true principle of a holy, evangelical conversation. And as it is said of God, that he is good, and doth good, so every thing is inclined to work as it is : Christ tells us the good tree will bring forth good fruits, &c. ; and we are God's work- manship created in. Christ Jesus to good works, which God hath ordained, that we should walk in them ; Eph. ii. 10.