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HOW TO DO GOOD TO MANY. 561 age of God's supereminency,,and doubly honor him, they are doubly honored by him ;'.so that the names of pious princes show not only the sense of mankind, but'the special providence of God in making the memory of the just to be blessed ; and as they could not endure to see in their days 'ungodliness triumph, or se- rious godliness made a scorn, or conscience and fear of sinning made a disgrace, or the gospel hindered, and faithful ministers for- bid to preach it, so God will not suffer their consciences to want the sense of his love, nor their departing souls to fail of their ever- lasting hopes, nor their memories to be cloudedby obscurityor re- proach. Even among heathens, what a name have those emperors left behind them who lived in justice, charity, and all virtue, and wholly studied the good of all! What a wonder is it that M. An- tonine should be so extolled by so many writers, and not one of them all, as I remember, speak one word of evil ofHim, save that a small, short persecution of the. Christians was made in his time, till he restrained it ! And all the people almost deified him, and would have perpetuated his line and name in the throne, but that the horrid wickedness of his posterity forced them to a change. What a name bath excellent Alexander Severus left behind him! And what a blessing have wise, and godly, and peace- making Christian princes been in divers ages to the world ! And both the inferior magistrates and the clergy usually much conform themselves, at least in outward behavior, to their example ; for theywill choose men of wisdom, conscience, and justice, un- der them, to judgeand govern. The bishops and pastors which they choose, will be able, godly, laborious men; not seekers of worldly, wealth and honor, nor envious silencers of faithful preach- ers, nor jealous hinderers of religious duties, nor flattering men- pleasers, nor such as lord it over God's heritage ; but such as rule not by constraint, but willingly, as examples of love and piety to the flock. Pray hard,, therefore, for kings and all in authority, and honor all such as unspeakable blessings for the, good of all. But, on the contraiy, wicked rulers will be Satan's captains, against Jesus Christ, andmen's sanctification and salvation. They will be wolves in the place of shepherds, and will study to de- stroy the best of the people, and to root out all serious godliness and justice. Conscience, and fearing sin, will be to them a sus- pected, yea, a hated thing.' If any abuse it, it serves them for a pretense against it. They take the people's welfare and their own interest to be enemies, and presently look on those, whom they should rule and cherish, as the adversaries whom they must tread down. They will purposely make edicts and laws that are con- trary to God's law, that they may have advantage to persecute the faithful, and to destroy them as disobedient. They will study to VOL. II. 71.