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HOW TO DO GOOD TO MANY. 563 stroy Christiana in Christ's name. O, therefore, pray hard that all Christian nations may have good rulers, and be very thankful to God for such. x. And if you would be instruments of public good, knowwhat are public sins and dangers, that you may do your part against them, and join not with any that will promise never to endeavor any reforming alteration. The chiefest are ignorance, pride, and self-willedness in teachers and people, malignant enmity to good- ness, impatience with the infirmities of good men, judging of per- sons and things by self -interest, covetousness, sensuality, and tak- ing Christianity but as the religion of the land, without diligent study to be rooted in the truth. And the scandals of hypo- crites and tempted Christians hardening the enemies, especially by divisions, and public temerities, and miscarriages, is not the least. xi. I would also, in order to public good, persuade serious Christians to be more zealous in communication with their neigh- bors, and live not overstrangely tò others, and say not, as Cain, "'Am I my brother's keeper?" Be kind and loving to all about you, and live not as unknown men to them ; nor alienate them by sourness, contempt, or needless singularity, but become all things lawful to all men, to save some : lend them good books, and draw them to hear God's faithful ministers: persuade 'them to pray in their families, even with a form or book, till they need it not. xii. Lastly, if you would 'do good, be such as you would have others be, and teach them by examples of piety, charity, patience, self-denial, forbearing, and forgiving, and not by mere words contradicted by your lives: These are the materials by which you must do good to all. VI, What now'remaineth but that we all set ourselves to such a fruitful course of li-fe? I greatly rejoice in the grace of God, which I daily see in many such of my familiar acquaintance, who study to do good to all, and to live in love, and peace, and holiness, by example,' and by self-denial, and constant charity, using Christ's talents to their Master'sends, for the temporal and eternal good of many. But, alasi too many live as if it were enough to do no harm, and say, as the slothful servhnt, " Here is thy talent which I hid." And some there be that, in a blind jealousy of the doctrine of justification, (not understanding what the word justification signifi- eth,),cry down even the,words of James, as if they were irrecon- cilable with Paulás, and Can bear him that saith, as Christ, (Matt. xii.) "By' thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned ; " as if they had never read,