Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

SOW TO DO GOOD TO MANY. 567 what the place of one man signifieth at the head of an army, of a city, of a kingdom. They are appointed by God to govern men in á just subordination to God's government, and not otherwise ; to promote obedience to God'g laws by theirs, and by their judg- ment and execution to give men a foretaste what they may at last expect fromGod ; and by their rewards and punishments to fore- tell men. whom God will reward and punish ; and by their awn ex- amples to show the subjects how temperately, and soberly, and godly, God would have them live. Atheists can see and fear a magistrate, that fear not God, because they know him not. They that prefer those as the most worthy of honor whomGod abhorreth for their wickedness, and hate and oppress those whom God will honor, dg show themselves enemies to him that giveth them all their power. And they that by countenance or practice do teach men to despise the fear of God, and to make light of drunkenness, whoredom, lying, perjury, and such like odious crimes, do, in a sort, blaspheme God, himself, as if he who exalted them were a lover of sin, and a hater of his own laws and service. There are few rulers that are unwilling of power, or to be account- ed great ; and do they not know, that it is a.power to do good that God has given them ; and that obligation to do it is as essential to their Office as authority? And that they who govern as the offi- cers of God, and pretend to be liker` him in greatness than their subjects, must also be liker to him in wisdom and goodness? Woe to That manwho abuseth and opposeth the just and faithful in the name of God, and by pretense of authority from him to do it ! Woeto him that in God's name, and as by his,authority, coun- tenanceth the wicked whom God abhorreth, and under Christ's banner fighteth against him ! As Christ saith of the offensive, " It were good for that man that he had never been born." " He that saith to the wicked, Thou art righteous,, him shall the people curse ; nations shall abhor him;" Prov. xxiv. 24. "He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are an abomination to the Lord; " Prov. xvii. 15. God looketh for great service from great men : great trust and talents must have great account: a prince, a lord, a ruler, must do much more good', in promoting piety, conscience, virtue, than the best inferiors : to whom men give much, from them they expect the more. It greatly concerneth such men seriously to ask their conscience, Can I dono more to encourage godliness, conscience, and justice, and to disgrace malignity, brutish sensuality, and fleshly lusts, than I have done 7 O, when they must hear, " Give account of thy stewardship, thou shalt be no - longer steward," little think many rulers what an account' it is that will be required of them! O,