Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .B352 1835 v2

¡5Ó TIOW TO DO GOOD TO MANY. what a deal of good may the rulers of the earth do, if, instead of overminding their partial interests, and serving the desires of the flesh, they did but set themselves with study and resolution to pro- mote the common good, by disgracing sin, and encouraging wis- dom, piety, and peace ! And where this is,not sincerely done, as surely as there is a righteous God, and a future judgment, they shall pay for their omissive treachery. And ifSatan do prevail to set his own captains over the armies of the Lord, to :betray them to perdition, they shall be deepest in misery, as they were in guilt. One would think the great delight that is to be found in doing good to all, should much more,draw men to desire authority and greatness, than either riches, or voluptuousness, or a domineering desire that all men should fulfill their wills. ii. The ministers of Christ alsohave the next opportunity to do good to many ; and it is a debtthat by many and great obliga- tions they owe to Christ and men. But it will nqt be done with- out labor, and condescension, and unwearied patience. It is under- taken by all that are ordained to this office ; but O that itwere per- formed faithfully by all ! What a doleful life would the perfidious soul-betrayers live, if they knew what a guilt they have to answer for ! even the contempt of the people's souls, and of the blood of Christthat purchased them ! O hear that vehement adjuration (2 Tim. iv. 1; 2.) " I chargé thee before God, andthe Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and kingdom, preach the word; be instant in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all long-suffering and ,doc- trine." Speak with holy, studied skill ; speak with love and melt- ing pity ; speak with importunity ; take no denial ; speak as St. Paul, (Acts xx.) publicly, and from house to house ; speak be- fore you are silenced in the dust'; speak'before death have taken away your hearers. Ieis for souls, it is for Christ, it is for your- selves too: while you have opportunity, do good to all. But of this I have formerly said more in my ' Reformed Pastor.' iii. Add let all men take their common and special opportuni- ties to do good: time will not stay ; yourselves, your wives, your children, your servants, your neighbors, are posting to another world : speak now.what you would have them hear ; do them now all the good you can. It must be now or never; there is no re- turning from the dead to warn them. O live not as those infidels, who think it enough to do no harm, and to serve their carnal minds with pleasure, as born for nothing but a decent and delight- ful life on earth. You are all in the vineyard or harvest of the Lord: work while it is day, the night is at hand when none can work : woe to the slothful, treacherous hypocrite, when the judg- ment cometh.