Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

KS 2hé L IFL of the L I B. I. § ro8. Ten thoufand Prifonen of theFoot were brought to NewcaJlle, where the greatnefs ofthe Number, and the bafénefs of the Country ( with their Poverty ) and the cruel Negligenceof the Army, caufed them to be almoft all familhcd : For being(hut up in a Cabbage-Garden, and having no Food, they cart them- felves intoa Flux and other Difeafes with eating the raw Cabbages; fo that few of them furvived, and thole few were little better ufed. The Colours that were ta- ken were hanged up as Trophies in WeflminJler-Hall, and never taken down till the King's Relloration. § roq. Cromwell being thus called back to Edinburgh, driveth the Scots to Ster- ling beyond the River, where they fortifie themfelves : He befiegeth the impreg- nable Cattle of Edinburgh and winneth it; the Governor, Coll. WilliamDunglafe, laying the blame on his Souldiers that elfe would have delivered It and him ; but his Superiors condemned him for the Cowardly Surrender. After this, Cromwell paffeth fome ofhisMen over the River, and after themmolt of the sell: The King with the Scots Army being unable to givehimBattle after fuch Difcouragements, takes the Opportunity to hafte away with what Forcethey had towards England, thinking that Cromwell being cart now fome Days March behind them, by Reafon of his puffing the River, they might be before him in England, and there be abundantly increafed, by the coming inboth of the Cava- liers and the refs of the People to him. And doubtlefs all the Land would fud- denly have flocktin to him but for thefe two Caufes: r. The Succefs of Cromwellat Dumbarre and afterwards, had put a Fear uponall Men, and the manner of the Scots coming away, perfuaded all Men that Necef- fity forced them, and they were look'd upon rather as flying than as marching in- to England ; and fewMen will put themfelves intoa flyingArmy which is purfued by the conquering Enemy. 2. The implacable Cavaliers had made no Preparation of the Peoples Mind, byany Significations of Reconciliation, or of probable future Peace : And the Prelatical Divines, inftead of drawing nearer thofe they differed from for Peace, had gone fartherfrom them by Dr. Hammond's new way, than their Predeceffors were before them; and the very Caufewhich they contended for, being not Con- cord andNeighbourhood, but Domination, they had given the diffenting Clergy and People no hopesof finding favourable Lords, or any Abatement of their former Burdens, fo little did their Task - Matters relent: Butcontrariwife, they faw Rea- fon enough toexpe& that their little FinSers would be heavier than their Predecef- fors Loyns. And it is hard to bringMers readily to venture their Lives to bring themfelves into a Ptifon, or Beggary, or Banifhment. Thefewere the true Caufes that no more came in to the King : The first kept off the Royalifts and the rag, the fecond kept off the rejl alone. Yet the Earl of Darby, the Lord Talbott and many Gentlemendidcome in to him ; and force that had been Souldiers for the Parliament, (as Capt. Benbow from Shrewsbury, with Cornet Kim/fly and a Party of Horfe, and force fewmore.) The King's Army of Soot, was excellently well governed (in comparifon of what his Father's was wont to be) : Not a Souldier durft wrong any Man of the worthof a Penny ; which much drew the Affe&ions of the People towards them. The Prefence of Collonel Rich. Graves, and Collonel Maff with them, was the great Inducement to the Parliamentarians to come in : But another great Impedi- ment kept them off, which was, Cromwell's exceeding fpeedy Purfuit of them ; fo that People had not time to refolve themfelvesconfiderately ; and molt were willing to fee what Cromwell'sAffault would do, before they cart themfelves into the Danger; Soldiers may mot} eafily be had when there is leali need of them. The King came by the way of Lanaafhire, and funimoned Shrewsbury in vain as he palled by through Sbroyfhire: And when all the Country thought that he was haftening to London ( where all Men fuppofed he would have attained his Ends, increafed his Strength, and had no Refiftance,) he turned to Worcefler, and there flayed to refreth his Army, Cromwell'sForces being within a few days March of him. § rto. The Army puffed molt by Riderminfler (a Fields Breadth off) and the reit throughit: Collonel Graves fent two or three Meffäges to me, as from the King, to come to him; and after, when he was at Wonder, force others were tent : But I was at that time under fo great an ADli&ion of fore Eyes, that I was not fcarce able to fee the Light, nor fit to Dir out of Doors : And being not much