PAR T L ReverendMr. Richard Baxter: 8t Mother time I had a Tumour rofe onone of the Tonfills in my Throat, White and hard like a Bone; above the hardnefsof anySchyrrhous Tumour : Ifeared a Cancer; being, it was round andlike aPeafe, as it heginneth : And when I had by thePhyfician'sAdvife applied fuch Remedies as he thought fitteft, and it no whit altered, but remainedas hard as at the firft; at the end of about a quarter of a Year I was chek'd in Confcience that I had never\publickly praifed God par- ticularly for any of the Deliverances which hehad vouchfafed me : And being fpeakingof God's Confirming our Beliefof his Word by his fulfillingof Promifes, and hearing Prayers, ( as it is publifhed in the fecond part of my Saints ReJt ) I annexed fome thankful mention of my own Experiences -; and luddenly the Tu- mour vanilhed, and no fign wherever it had been remained : Nor did I either fwal- low it down or fpit it out, nor knew what went with it to this Day. Another time, having read in Dr. Gerhard the admirable Effe&s of the fwallow ingof a Gold Bullet upon hisown Father in a Gafe like mine, I got a Gold Bul. let and fwallowed it ( between 20 1. and ;o r. weight ) ; and having taken it, I knew not how to be delivered of it again: I took Clyfters and Purges for about three Weeks, but nothing furred it ; and a Gentleman having done the like, the Bullet never came from it till he died, and it was cut out : )lut at tail my Neigh- bours fet a Day apart to fait and prayfor me, and I was freed from myDanger in the beginning of that day. Another time being in Danger of as IEgilops, and ( to be brief) at divers times in divers Weakneffes, Pains and Dangers, ` I have been delivered upon earneft Prayers ; fuch as have affured me that God heareth fuch extemporate Prayers as many now deride. And becaufe I am fpeakingof Prayer, I will add one Inflame more or twoof the Succefs of itfor my Neighbours, as well as for my fell. § r ;r. There liveth yet in Kidderminger agrave and honeft Widow, Mrs. Giles, Widow to Mr. Giles of Aftley, one of the Committee of that County; the had a Son of about a4 or rç Years ofAge, Apprentice in Wow/ter to a Mercer; he fell into a Beaver, which being removed, ended in a moll violent Epilepfie: The Phyficians ufed all ordinary means for a long time in vain ; fo that the was fain to take him home to her to Kidderminfter, where the Phyfician of the Place and my felt did what wecould for him, in vain, he had 4 or ç violent fits in a Day; they were fain to hold a Key between his Teeth to Pave his Tongue: At laft the Peo- ple of theTown, at her Requef, kept a Day of Fallingand Prayer at herHoufe; and the fecondday (as I remember) he was fùddenly cured, and never had a Fit fine to this Day ( but Tome little Weaknefs of his Head fometimes) : He is now an Apothecaryin Wolverhampton. 1132. Another Infante ; Rich. Cook ofKiever a Mercer, an ancient fober God- ly Man, beingdefirous to liveat Kidderminfter, took the next Houle tomine : The Houle proved fo fecretly crackt and Ruinous, that he wasafraid it would undo him to repair it : This feized him with a Trouble on his Confcience whether he had done well to remove from Kilmer ( where he had been long a comfortable Neigh- bour to old Mr. Creffe): To revive hisSpirits he drank much hot Waters, which inflamed hisBlood; and fo from Melancholy he fell quite Mad. We were forced by theWars to leave him; but his Wife procured what means the could, but all in vain: Whenhe had continued thusfour Years, the excellenceft, skilful Menat that Difeafe undertook him, and did what they could, but all in vain. He had ex- ceeding Quantities of Blood taken from him : Some that had Peen the Succefs would have let upon Falling and Praying for him in his Prefence : But I difcou- raged them, as thinking it a tempting carnal Men to contemn Prayer, when they law it unfuccefsful, and I thought they had no caufe to expeeta Miracle : I had no hopeof his Cure becaufe it was natural or heridatory to him, his Father having much about his Age fallen Mad beforehim and never recovered. When he had continued in this fad Cafe about ten ortwelve Years, fomeof thefe Men wouldnot be dilfuaded, but would Fall and Pray at his,Houfe with great importunity; and many Months they continued it (oace a Fortnight, or thereabouts) and he was never the better: But at left he fenfibly began to amend, and is now aswell almoft as ever hewas before, and fo bath continued for a confiderabletime. § r; ;. I the rathermentioned thefe PalIages of the Fgrce of Prayer, becaufe being not one in anyof them my felf, nor being prefentwith them, there is no matter of appearing Ofentation, they being a few poor humble Weavers and other Tradefmen only, and noMinifter with them, wlíofe Prayers God baththus frequently heard for others, and for me ( though at this prefent fome of the Chief of them' lye in Prifon, only for praying, and tinging Pfalms, and repeating Ser- M mona