Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

168 The L 1 EE:.of the Congregations the want ofChriftian Reformation, Love and Unity, and the ` Power of Godlinefs, the breaking inof deftroyingErrours, and the prevailing ' of Ignorance and Profaneneß among them, have contented and refolved through ' God's Grace, and in Expe&ationof his Bleflìng on our weak Endeavours, as fel= low,Servants to the fame Lord Jefus Chrift the Great Shepherd of Souls, to ac- ' quaint our felves one with another, and to joyn together and atiìft each other to the uttermoft in the promoting ofGofpel Truth, Peace, Love , and the Power ,.of Godlinefs, in our felves and all thofe that have theName ofChrift uponthem, in theplaces wherein we live. For the Effecting whereof we define and purpofe, if God permit, to meet to. ` gether at Sarumon the a6th of OÉiob. x613. forthe end hereafter fpecified. Firft, In fome publick Place on the fame day, whereany others, whofe hearts are inclined thereunto,may joyn with usby Failing and Prayer to feek unto God for pardon ofour former Failings, and for Dire&ion and Strength of his Spirit for the future Workof theMinittry which lyeth upon us , in the. infEru&ingand orderingofour t veral Congregations according to theWord of God. ` Secondly, After the faid Publick Duty difcharged, to come togethermore pri- vately in fonte convenient place : And there Firft, Jointly and Solemnly, as in the prefenceof God, to teftifie our fincere ' purpofe ofheart, for the time tocome (in dependenceupon the Lord's Strength) t to take heed unto our felves, and to our Do&rine, and to continue therein, that in doing this we mayboth fave our felves and them that hear us. ' Secondly, To teflifie to each other our Confcionable readinefs (as Servantsand fellow Labourers) toafford and receive Aflìftance to and from each other in the ' Work of the Lord committed tous, as any occafion (hall be offered to us in this 'kind ; and accordingly to advife together thereupon. ' Thirdly, To Promife and Engage to oneanother, according to our Duty , in ' all Humility, Tendernefs and Brotherly Love. Yet faithfully to admonifh one ' another of any Mifcarriage or Negle& which we lhall know or be daily inform- ' ed of, which inany of us bringeth Reproach upon the Name of God, and his Ways, upon the Gofpel and the Adminiftrationof the fame. And we (hall all of us likewife ferioullypromife, humbly and thankfully toaccept of fuch Admo- ' nition from any Brother,as a Fruit of Chriftian Love and Fidelity, and without Anger, Clamour or Recrimination, either toclear our felves to the Brother which ' Admonifhethus, being free from the Crime obje&ed, or elfe endeavour Reforma- ' non in what we have offended. Fourthly, At thefame Publick Meeting to appoint fame other fit time to meet ' togetherin the fame manner, further tocarry on the Work of mutual Brotherly `.Advice concerning filch Courfes as conduce to God's Glory, the Good of the People,and the Difcharge of our Duty in theplace wherein Godhath fec us: And ` in this our Meeting we fully refolve through the help ofour God. Firft, Not to meddle inword or deed with any Matter of Civil Government furtherthan tofir up one another (ifany WIoccafion be offered) confcionably to maintain and exercife al( ChriftianObedience to Magiftrates, as anOrdinance ' ofGod. Secondly, Not to foment any Breachesamongft Brethren, but to Rudy to the ° uttermoft of our power that all, who accord in the Fundamentals of Gofpel Truth and Holinefs, may be brought to keep theUnity of the Spiritin theBond of Peace. ` And for the more Chriftian and Orderly managingof this ourBrotherly Agree- ' ment and Affociation, we do agree Firft, That every Manat his entering into this Society, tenderus a Certificate 'of his Paínfulnefsin the Miniftry, andof his Godlinefs inConverfation under the Hands of two godly Minifiersat leaft, not of the Society ; andof two or three godly Chriftians known to fame of the Society : And that all the Certificates be brought into,and kept in the Handsof oneof the Brethren that by commonCon- ' fentfhall be appointed thereunto. Secondly, That every Man that cometh into this Society and Agreement be ` defined to exprefshis willingnefs, in cafe of any Mifcarrrage, whereby he {hall ' give juft occafion of Offenceunto the Society, to fubmic unto the Reproof and Determination of the whole, or the majorpart of the Society; fo farforth as their Reproofand Determination (hall be warranted by the Scripture. !Thirdly,